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Q: As you move down a group elements have electron shells than those above them.?
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How are the electron clouds of the atoms of the elements in a group the same?

Atoms of the elements in a group have the same number of electrons in their outer energy shells. This gives the elements similar Chemical Propetries.

Mention the General electronic configuration of nitrogen group elements?

these elements have 5 electron in the valence shells and have configuration of ns np5

Group 1a elements have how many electrons in their valence shells?

All these have one electron in their valence shell.

What has a full outer electron shells which makes them inert?

All noble gases or group 18 elements.

A chemical family of elements contains elements with?

Elements in the same family (or group) have the same amount of electrons in their outer shell. For Example, all elements in Group 1 have 1 electron in their outer shells.

How many electron shells does a sodium atom have?

A Sodium atom has three shells. For future reference, this can be discovered later by looking at which period an element falls in. For example, all group 1 elements have 1 shell, all group 2 elements have two shells, and so on.

What is more stable partially filled or full electron shells?

Atoms with full outer electron shells are more stable. The atoms (elements) with full outer electron shells are the noble (sometimes called inert) gases. These are the elements in Group 18 of the periodic table, and you know them as helium, neon, argon, krypton, exnon and radon.

What characteristics is shared by elements in the same period?

Elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells, moving across a period (progressing group to group), elements gain electrons and protons and become less metallic. This arrangement reflects the periodic recurrence of similar properties as the atomic number increases.

What are elements of a group that has the same number of shells?

The elements in a group do not have the same number of shells, however, the elements in a horizontal row do have the same number of shells.

Why do all elements in group 16 share property?

All elements in group 16 share similar properties because their valence shells all contain the s2p4 electron configuration.

Why do elements in group 16 share similar properties?

All elements in group 16 share similar properties because their valence shells all contain the s2p4 electron configuration.

What are two elements with one electron in their outer shells?

Two elements with one electron in their outer shells are lithium (Li) and sodium (Na). Both elements belong to the alkali metal group of the periodic table.