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All noble gases or group 18 elements.

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Q: What has a full outer electron shells which makes them inert?
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What proprties are shared bt the noble gas?

All Noble gases have full outer electron shells making them inert.

What is more stable partially filled or full electron shells?

Atoms with full outer electron shells are more stable. The atoms (elements) with full outer electron shells are the noble (sometimes called inert) gases. These are the elements in Group 18 of the periodic table, and you know them as helium, neon, argon, krypton, exnon and radon.

Do atoms whose outer elecron shells contain eight electrons tend to form ionic bonds in aqueous solutions?

Atoms with outer electron shells that contain 8 electrons tend to be stable and chemically in reactive, or inert.

What is characteristic about the outer electron shells of the halogens?

The outer electron shells of the halogens contain seven electrons, and need one more electron to have eight and become stable.

How many electron levels does sodium 23 have?

1 valence electrons 2 full outer shells (electron levels) 3 outer shells (electron levels)

What is it called when an electron has 8 electrons in its outer shell?

when an element has 8 electron in outer shell it is said to be inert. inert gases are called noble gases.

What are elements with full outer electron shells called?

Elements with a full outer electron shells are usually found in group 18/8 on the periodic table, also known as 'Noble Gases'. But during a chemical reaction the element may gain or lose electrons in order to become stable. These atoms are called 'Ions'

Why noble gases are not found as a compound?

Because the outer electron shells are full.

How many electron shells does chromium have?

Chromium has two electrons in the outer most shell.

Are the outer electron shells always filled first?

No. The inner shells are filled first.

Why noble gasses are not active?

Noble gases are not active because of their outer shells. The outer shells of these gases are full of 8 valence electrons, which make them stable and inert.

What is the characteristics about the outer electron shells of halogens?

Each halogen element has an outer shell that lacks one electron of being full.