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Q: As you use alcohol your peripheral vision is what?
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How do you use your peripheral vision when driving?

What is peripheral vision when driving a car

Can tunnel vision be cured?

There is no cure for tunnel vision or peripheral vision loss. Peripheral vision loss can be treated with the use of a lens called prism that is added to a eyeglass prescription.

When do you use peripheral vision?

Peripheral vision is good for detecting motion, and at night. It allows you to notice small movements at the edge of your sight.

Cars entering your field of vision from the side require the use of?

Peripheral Vision.

When you are tired your shrinks?

Peripheral vision

What are central vision fringe vision and peripheral vision?

Central vision refers to when eyes are focused straight ahead. Peripheral vision refers to vision that occurs outside your central sight of vision. Fringe vision refers to the edge of your peripheral vision.

Why do we have poor peripheral vision in daylight?

why do we have poor peripheral vision in day light

What is the peripheral vision of a snail?

The peripheral vision allows snails to see from behind.

Cars entering from the side require us to use your vision?

Anything entering your vision from the side (periphery) uses your peripheral vision.

When testing color and peripheral vision how large should the objects be?

after doing a large scale peripheral vision test i found that the most effective mediam range for the object to be is at least six inches by six inches because it makes you really use your peripheral vision

How do you spell prufrial vision?

peripheral vision.

What is another word for side vision?

peripheral vision