

Asexual reproduction does not include

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Meiosis (chromosome halving). Advantage: mass rapid colonization. Disadvantage: no diversity.

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Q: Asexual reproduction does not include
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no they do not "hsve" asexual reproduction they "have" asexual reproduction...

What type of reproduction that only require one parent?

asexual. its what plants do

What are the advanages of Asexual reproduction?

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Asexual reproduction produces?

asexual reproduction produces

What is the creation of offspring from only one organism called?

asexual reproduction. Mitosis.

What is the other name of asexual reproduction?

The scientific name for asexual reproduction is asexual reproduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

Asexual reproduction is to one as sexual reproduction is to?

Many individuals. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent, while sexual reproduction involves the combination of genetic material from two parents to produce genetically diverse offspring.

A example of asexual reproduction?

an Example of Runner in Asexual Reproduction

What is asexual reproduction not as widespread in?

Asexual reproduction is less widespread in higher organisms, such as mammals and birds, because sexual reproduction allows for greater genetic diversity and adaptation to changing environments. In these organisms, asexual reproduction is typically limited to specific conditions or as a backup strategy.

Reproduction that results in offspring that are clones is called?

Reproduction that results in offspring that are clones is called asexual reproduction. This process involves a single parent producing genetically identical offspring through processes such as binary fission, budding, or fragmentation.

Is ginger reproduction asexual?

Yes. the reproduction method of ginger is asexual.