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Q: Ash clouds from large eruptions can cause global?
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How do large scale volcanic eruptions cause global temperature decrease?

ash arises making the sun blocked and the temperatures be effected

What eruptions can make a tsunami?

Well, volcanic eruptions typically do not cause tsunamis, but things that do cause them include earthquakes and large masses of land/rock falling off of glaciers and landforms into the water. Global warming has recently been said to cause large chunks of glaciers to fall off into the ocean, causing abnormally large waves.

When a volcano erupts can it block the sun?

Yes. Large explosive volcanic eruptions can produce enormouys ash clouds that can turn day as dark as night in areas around the volcano. Ash and gas from such eruptions can filter out enough sunlight to reuduce global temperatures.

Can earth be cooled by volcanic eruptions?

Yes. Large explosive eruptions can release large amounts of sulfur dioxide. This gas forms tiny droplets of sulfuric acid in the upper atmosphere, which reflect a portion of the sun's light back into space and reduce global temperatures.

What eruption is worse mafic or silicic?

Eruptions involcing silicic or felsic magma are generally the worst. Eruptions of mafic material are usually effusive or only mildly explosive, producing cinders or lava flows. Eruptions of felsic material often produce large ash clouds and deadly pyroclastic flows.

What is a disadvantage of volcanoes?

Volcanic eruptions can be very destructive and can threaten the lives of people living near them. Major eruptions can spread ash great distances, which can harm crops, damage machinery, and cause jet engines to fail in flight. Gasses released by large eruptions can cause climate shifts.

Can volcanic eruption and seismic tremors produce large mudflows and debris flows?

Yes. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can cause debris flows. Volcanic eruptions can mudflows called lahars.

Which step in the water cycle can cause flooding?

Precipitation in large amount, global warming causes flooding. It becomes hazardous .

Can a volcanic eruption occur not including lava?

Yes. Large explosive eruptions do not produce lava, but instead produce clouds of ash, pumice, and gas. There are also phreatic eruptions. These occur when water flashes to steam from contact with magma or rocks heated by magma, generating an explosion.

Can the large eruptions of a caldera affect the weather?

Yes. Caldera-forming eruptions release massive amounts of sulfur dioxide. This can form tiny drops of sulfuric acid into the stratosphere. These reflect a small portion of sunlight back into space, lowering global temperatures.

Will volcanic activity be changed due to a asteroid?

A significant impact to the planet from a large enough asteroid could cause volcanic eruptions.

Does a volcano affect you even if you are very far from it?

It depends on the type and size of the eruption. Most volcanic eruptions do not cause more than localized disruptions. Extremely large eruptions can cause ash to fall thousands of miles away and change weather patterns worldwide.