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Q: Ash of burnt leaves is good manure but still it is not considered environmentally friendly Why?
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Formation of manure from leaves is a physical change?

Farmyard manure creates heat energy from decomposition of leaves. There is also physical change because the leaves' structure is broken down. The main factors for producing good manure are: water, which is already part of the manure; heat, which is generated by the decomposing leaves; and air, which is needed to aid the decomposition, because decomposition is a very slow form of "burning". Quite a high temperature can be generated in a manure heap or a compost heap.

On Howrse what is the best fertilizer?

Manure is the best fertilizer on Howrse. Manure fertilizer manages to decrease crop growth times by three days on Howrse. For the world's farmers and gardeners, horse manure in reality retains less nitrogen than poultry or sheep manure and works well in 1:15 part ratios with dried leaves for farm- and garden-friendly compost even though it releases fly-attracting odors and runs off into nearby water bodies

What does buffalo leave behind?

a buffalo leaves behind manure and hoof prints.

How are worms ecofriendly?

worms are eco-friendly b/c they make cleaner soil with their manure

How do you make methane gas out of rabbit manure?

If you want to know how to make methane gas out of rabbit manure, you have to mix the manure with leaves, food and dirt. Then you have to put everything in an old plastic bag so everything will decompose if you leave it outside for a month or less. Once you've completed that you will go back outside and you'll see gases rising from that manure.

What type of matter can you put in your compost pile?

anything biodegradable such as grass clippings, leaves, food scraps, manure, ect.

What does manure mean in German?

manure = Dung manure = Dünger manure = Mist

What happens to the carbon in leaves when they fall off of trees and begin breaking down?

It remains in the leaf mold in the form of organic manure

What is the antonym of manure?

what is the anytonm for manure

How do you spell manure?


What is Best tree leave to decompose in vegetable garden?

Quaking Aspen are fast but the sugar maple is the best. In autumn ask neighbors or any known source for bags of leaves.But really all leaves are pretty good. But do not use walnut leaves. they will prove fatal to nearby crops. use some manure to. make sure the manure is not to fresh but just right.

How angiosperm and animals depend on each other?

The herbevour animals eat leaves of angiospermic plant as their food and angiospermic plants get manure from the excretion of these animals.