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Q: Ask us anythingWho was Simon Bolivar?
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Which factor made Simon Bolivar that dream impossible of dreamed of a US of South America?

lol probably doing the same thing as me the answer is all of above

What happened to US Civil War General Simon Bolivar Buckner as the war began?

As the US Civil War unfolded, US Army officers had to make the choice to remain loyal to the US or side with the Confederacy. General Simon Bolivar Buckner had property in Kentucky and further north. He had been offered a high rank in the Union army but chose to side with the South. Buckner was vilified by the Northern press and all his property was confiscated because he chose to join the Rebel army.

What do Venezuelans use as money?

The currency unit in Venezuela is the Bolivar Fuerte. The official exchange rate of the Bolivar Fuerte is 2.15 BsF/US Dollar. The Bolivar is named for Simon Bolivar who liberated Venezuela from Spanish rule. The Bolivar Fuerte replaced the Bolivar on Jan 1, 2008. Inflation had reduced the value of the Bolivar and the Bolivar Fuerte is worth 1,000 original Bolivares.

What caused some US senators to oppose the plans of US President John Quincy Adams to send a us delegation to a meeting of Latin American governments to discuss how to handle relations with Spain?

Latin American revolutionary leader, Simon Bolivar, was holding a conference at Panama to discuss how to handle relations with Spain. Spain had lost most of its colonial empire in Latin and South America. A good number of US senators opposed attending a Bolivar hosted conference. They believed it might lead to an armed confrontation with Spain.

Is the venezuela bolivar worth more than the US dollar?


How was the mexican caudillo who lost texas to the US but his most serene highness?


How much is a bolivar worth in US currency?

1/7 of a U.S dollar.

Exchange rate between Venezuelan Bolivar and the US Dollar?

They just use US dollars in restaurants and stuff