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Q: Ask us of the following best explains the difference between fiat money and commodity money?
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Accurately explains the difference between the stock market and the commodity market?

Ownership in companies is traded in the stock market while ownership of raw, unprocessed goods is traded in the commodity market.

What is the difference between a commodity and a good?

Commodity is what is used to produce a Goods.Goods gets to the end user. Example; Flour (commodity) and Bread (Goods).

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The price of a floating currency is determined by the currency exchange market while the price of a fixed currency is connected to the price of some other commodity.

What explains the difference between the stock market and the commodity market?

Stock market, as the name explains deals with the stocks/shares of a company floated at a stock exchange.Commodity markets, deals with commodities such as Oil, Gold, Silver, Grain, Coffee, Cotton and so on.In both the markets, the stocks or commodities are traded at their respective exchanges.

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A Trader is someone who buys/sells stocks or commodities. A Broker is one who helps the trader in his buying/selling

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between commodity money and flat money?

Commodity money has value in itself while flat money has value only because it is given value

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A conclusion explains what you found out by your research. An evaluation explains what went well and what could have been improved and how.

4 similarities between money & commodity?

What is the difference between money and commodity? Commodity money is a sort of money that is considered as a present good. Whereas, fiat money is a future obligation as it is simply a promise to pay in the future. Payment is never made when it comes to fiat money, instead it is only discharged. But commodity money, on the other hand, completes the transaction.

What is commodity trading or exchange?

commodity trading is the trading of primary products on exchange. spot trading and future trading of comodities are done to take advantage of difference between current and future prices.

What are the benefit of commodity exchange?

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What explains the difference between fiat money and commodity?

Commodity money can be used for some other purpose while Fiat money can only be used as a medium of exchange.Commodity (sometimes referred to as "Hard") money is currency which is fully backed by a specie (usually a precious metal i.e. Gold, Silver, or Platinum). Fiat money is backed only by a promise of the issuing government to honor the value of the bill or coin.