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Assembly language to machine code translation is a "one to one" translation process, as every individual instruction expressed in the assembly language corresponds to exactly one machine instruction.

Note this does not hold for pseudo instructions or expanding macros, which are supported by some assemblers.

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Q: Assembly language to machine language translation is?
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What translation programs converts assembly language programs to object program?

The only translation program that converts assembly language to machine code is an assembler.

Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?

That would be assembly language or machine language, and just so you know, it is very difficult to learn.

Why is assembly language considered easier for humans to program than machine language?

Assembly is signficantly shorter and easier to remember than the equivilant machine instructions. Assembly instructions are human readable characters, for which a direct translation exists to the binary machine code instructions. Pseudo example: add <- assembly instruction 1010101010 <- machine instruction

Why is assembly language reffered to as low level language?

Assembly language is low-level because it has the least amount of abstraction between the source and the resultant machine code. That is, the translation from assembly language to machine code is 1:1. All high-level languages have much higher degrees of abstraction.

Which program translate assembly language into machine language?

Assembly langue is translated into machine language by an assembler.

What application will be used to convert an assembly language source program into machine language?

An Assembler converts assembly language instructions into machine language.

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Why is assembly language known as a low level language?

The level of a language is an indication of how abstract it is compared to the machine code it produces. The higher the level, the further it is from the machine and thus the more abstract it is. Assembly language has a near 1:1 translation to machine code with very little in the way of abstraction, thus it is a low-level language.

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State the differences between machine language and assembly language?

Assembly language is a readable way of representing machine language. It consists of mnemonics that can be directly converted to machine language. Assembly language allows easier jump instructions with the usage of labels which gets converted to real addresses after assembling.

Are machine language and assembly language the same?

No, they are not the same. Assembly language uses mnemonic words to REPRESENT machine language; to be able to actually run it, a special program - a so-called assembler - then needs to convert it into machine language.

How would you define assembly language?

assembly language uses abbreviation called is a bit easier to write computer programs in assembly language as compared to machine language but still requires skill and experienci.A program called assembler is used to convert an assembly language into machine language.