

At age 13 are you to old to be watching cartoons?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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122. No, seriously, you are NEVER too old to watch Cartoons.

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Q: At age 13 are you to old to be watching cartoons?
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Related questions

Why do people stop watching cartoons past the age of 13?

Many stop watching cartoons around that age because they aren't interested in cartoons anymore, they're preoccupied with the socially stressful life of a pubescent teenager, or they believe that watching cartoons makes them "uncool." However, many people don't actually stop watching cartoons altogether. While they might become more interested in things like the news or reality TV, there are plenty of adults who still love the occasional mindless cartoon. Cartoons nowadays are catering to these adults, since they throw in double entendres and seemingly adult themes.

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Maybe it's because they have low self esteem and their childhood was ruined

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Why Should 18 Year Olds Stop Watching Cartoons?

As long as you like watching them, and you find them entertaining, of course not! If your friends disapprove, then they are not true friends. I am still watching power rangers! Keep on Watching!

Can parents stop a child from watching a pg 13 movie if the child is 13?

Pg-13 is pretty much is a warning to parents that the content might not be suitable for children under the age of 13 so i guess its the parents decision to stop the 13 yr old from watching the film

Why do 11 year olds prefer to watch a variety of tv shows instead of watching only cartoons if they're under 12 or 13 years old?

Because they're pretending to be grown up, enough said

Is 13 too old for Doctor Who?

If you mean, watching Dr Who, then no

Why do people lose interest in cartoons by the time they are 13 years old?

The younger age finds most things they newly discovered funny or entertaining. When you turn thirteen you start to go through puberty and the cartoons change and they aren't that interesting. But the cartoons you see as a child, and you see older after 13, you'll still love it. And not all cartoons are children cartoons. Some are for adults and teens. A lot of anime is for the older teens and they are cartoons, just from a different country. With me, I hate the new cartoon shows on cartoon network and nickelodeon. But I still like Pokemon and Spongebob. It's also sometimes you watch the shows so many times it gets boring. Also a newer show finished on nickelodeon. It's an anime style show called Avatar.

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the jersey shore ages range from 22 to 32 years old. Vinny is 22 the youngest and J-wow is 32 the oldest

How old do you have to be to watching the Hunger Games?

I would think you would have to be 13 and up

What age range of a teenager?

Age range of a teenager is 13 years old to 18 years old.