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Two new DNA chains are formed at the end of DNA replication, both identical in sequence to the template (or parent) chain. These chains are composed of 2 complimentary strands.

It is important to note that of the newly formed DNA chains, one strand is the same as the template strand and the other one is a newly synthesized one.

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Two daughter strands are produced from the remaining two parent strands.

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At the end of Dna replication two new strands of dna have been formed giving a total of four strands of dna

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Q: At the end of DNA replication two new strands of DNA have been produced giving a total of?
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How many strands are replicated in DNA replication?

During DNA replication, two strands of the double-stranded DNA molecule are unwound and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand, resulting in the formation of two new DNA molecules, each composed of one original strand and one newly synthesized strand.

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DNA replication is semi-conservative. This means that each newly synthesized DNA molecule is made up of one original (parental) strand and one newly synthesized strand. This was demonstrated by the Meselson-Stahl experiment in 1958.

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DNA replication is a process at which its complementary strands are synthesized. DNA polymerase and other enzymes participates in the catalysis of this process. DNA replication duplicated the total DNA of a cell before mitosis.

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2 strands in total I believe.

Why is DNA replication considered semiconservative?

It is known as SEMI-CONSERVATIVE REPLICATION because the DNA produces two copies of DNA that each contain the original strand and one entirely new strand. You can definitely compare this to complementary base pairing. Hope this helps :) ~T.K

DNA replication involves producing new copies of DNA molecules. How many individual DNA strands exist after one molecule of DNA has been replicated?

DNA is made of 2 strands so when it replicates the strands separate and 2 new strands complete the old strands. leaving 4 strands making 2 sets of DNA, both sets of DNA consist of one old strand and one new strand.- Sierra A. Buchanan

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If a strand of DNA underwent four rounds of replication what percentage of the total DNA present would be comprised of the original DNA molecule?

DNA is doubled stranded / / (original). | = replicated. First round of replication, the DNA splits and the replicated DNA is made up of the original and new DNA. One strand produces 2 stands. / | | / One round, the percentage of original DNA would be 50%. (2 strands out of 4) Second round you get..because each stand again produces 2 stands. / | / | | | Third round.. /| /| 4th round.. --> /| --> /| So 2/16 = 1/8 2 of the 16 DNA strands contain original DNA.

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