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As an ex commercial Discus breeder I can advise you that Discus ova will not and can not develop and become fry in hard water. Young discus can however be grown on in harder water than that required for their eggs to 'hatch'. In unsuitable (too hard) water the ova calcify preventing the egg from developing. The ova then die and become fungussy. This suggests to me that whoever gave you that information was either wrongly informed or is deliberately lying in order to get a sale.

Ok, So they were bred in soft water. Now that they are reared in hard water, would it be safe to keep them in it for the rest of their lives? I dare say they may survive but they will never thrive and I can almost guarrantee that you will be having constant problems with their health. Knowing the conditions they have evolved in and require I can not understand why on earth anyone would knowingly wish to keep quite expensive Discus in adverse conditions and beg for trouble. Discus are not hard to keep in fact they are very easy to keep if you look after their water conditions (Min temp 80F pH around 5.5 GH under 25ppm.) and give them at least 10% water changes daily and 50% weekly. The bigger breeders in the Far East do 100% water changes twice daily.

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Q: At the local fish store they have two discus very healthy and a decent size they were bred and reared in hardwater and you are wondering if they would be better in hard or soft water after purchase?
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