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By the 2nd or 3rd heat which is about one and half or two yrs old.

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Q: At what age can chihuahuas get pregnant?
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What age is it all right for chihuahuas to get pregnant?

Well, when dogs are 1 year old they are an adult. So my answer is a year or older is good.

Can chihuahuas get pregnant?

Given the usual conditions : intact female, fertile age, in heat, gets to mate with an intact male - sure.

What age do male chihuahuas start MATEING AT?

About years of age.

At what age do baby chihuahuas start walking?

The BABY Chihuahuas Start Walking At 4 Weeks

What age are the pups in Beverly Hills chihuahua2?


Do chihuahuas get sick at old age?

Yes. Chihuahuas can get sick at an old age. Just like a regular human, They can get sick. They can have a rare disease or cancer [ect] You can treat your chihuahua with medicine or pills but likely, the chihuahua will die.

How can you find a puppy chihuahuas age?

ask your breeder or relative how old they are or mas them on a scale

Are chihuahuas good dogs?

Yes but make sure you socialize them from a very young age

How long do chihuahuas live till what age?

8-22 years about 10 years

What age should you handle puppy?

I am a breeder of Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Poodles & Dachshunds. I handle my pups from birth.

Can chihuahuas get the flu?

Yes, Chihuahuas can get the flu.

Who makes chihuahuas?

Chihuahua's were worshipped by the Toltec's in ancient Mexico.