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At the age of five the Bipolar disorder is diagnosable. But it is possible to diagonise at an early stage also by using some advanced equipments. A study conducted WHEN by Demitri Papolos, MD, and Janice Papolos indicates that more than 80% of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder come from families with a history of mood disorders and/or Alcoholism on both sides of the family. And yet, even when a strong family history of this is present, professionals rarely consider early-onset bipolar disorder. Many children who actually have bipolar disorder have been diagnosed with ADHD.

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Q: At what age is bipolar disorder first diagnosable?
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What age do people get the disease bipolar disorder?


Is there any age where you can no longer have bipolar disorder?

No. Once you've been diagnosed with Bipolar you will continue to have Bipolar for the rest of your life. However symptoms of Bipolar may be less noticeable once you've found medication which is very effective for yourself.

What are the demographics of bipolar disorder?

Speaking for residents of the United States, currently the biggest demographic that suffers from bipolar disorder and depression are adult women. They suffer from some form of bipolar disorder three times as much as men.

Did Kurt Cobain suffer from bipolar or depression?

no He never was diagnosed with depression but he was depressive since he was 8

How common is bipolar?

Bipolar disorder affects approximately 5.7 million American adults, or about 2.6 percent of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. (Source:

Is taking 300mgs of triliptal to much for a 65 lb 10 year old?

Is the patient being treated for epilepsy or Bipolar Affective Disorder? If the usage is for epilepsy, trust your doctor about dosage. As to the off-label usage, few drugs for the treatment of Bipolar Affective Disorder have been proven to the FDA to be safe and effective in the treatment of Bipolar patients below age 18. Trileptal IS NOT one of the drugs proven to be safe and effective. Questions to ask your child's doctor; -Why this drug? Are there other options? If so, have they been proven safe and effective in this age group? -How can we know that your diagnosis is correct? Ten years old is exceptionally young (statistically extremely unlikely) for an onset of Bipolar Affective Disorder?

Is there a disorder for social awkwardness the inability to handle emotions and pain and acting younger than real age?

yes it is called adhd bipolar you should go see a doctor

Effects of psychological trauma on bi polar affective disorder?

While bipolar disorder is one of the most heritable of the psychological disorders, there is growing evidence that childhood trauma seems to increase the odds of developing this. Especially if the trauma happened under the age of five.

When does bipolar disorder start?

Typically, the first major manic episode hits somewhere between the age of 20 and 40. This is usually also the first time the bipolar person gets to see the inside of the psychiatric hospital. It starts with a feeling of extreme happiness, which just keeps going and going like the Energizer bunny. Very quickly, you are out of control, hearing voices and doing crazy things.

Can you test for bipolar at the age of 2?

It's hard to tell because of their age, but you might want to ask your doctor or pediatrician. Sorry i couldn't get a better answer than that. It is very unlikely that bipolar disorder would show up at such an early age. It is more likely that you have a totally normal two-year old who is trying to learn how to control all those feelings and thoughts that are just starting to pop up!

What is the dominant genetic disorder that first appears in middle age?

Huntington's Disease

When is the average age of onset for bipolar symptoms?

the average age of onset bipolar symptoms is 21 years of age. These signs may be dismissed as "growing pains" or normal teenage behavior. On occasion, some people have their first symptoms during childhood, but the condition can often be misdiagnosed at this age and improperly labeled as a behavioral problem.