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Q: At what phase of mitosis does the DNA become most visible?
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What phase of mitosis lasts the longest and has the most changes occurring?


Which phase of the cell occurs first?

Most people consider interphase as the first phase in mitosis.

Why would cells going through mitosis be used to create a karyotype?

Because in metaphase the chromosomes become more condensed so be more clear to be seen and in this phase is the most phase that make chromosomes separate from each other.

In dividing cells most of the cells work occurs during what phase of mitosis?

Not sure

What stage of mitosis does a cell spend most of it's life?

When we look at the cell cycle, we see that the genome doubles (replicates itself) during the S phase. Since the M (mitosis) phase comes after the S and G2 phases, prophase of mitosis has the maximum number of chromosomes. Here, there are two copies of the genome.

What phase of the moon is most visible during the day?

Full Moon, of course.

What is the most frequently observed phase in mitosis?

M [mitosis]-phase follows both Growth-phase 1 and [dna synthesis] S-phase; the transition between S-phase and M-phase involves the condensation of chromatin into chromosomes, and what is frequently observed is the movement, translocation, separation [division] and migration of the two sets of chromosomes to the two Cellular/nuclear 'poles'. This is very quickly followed by Cellular binary fission.

Genetic disorders can result when chromatids fail to separate properly. During with phase is this problem most likely to occur?

In general, nondisjunction can occur in any form of cell division that involves ordered distribution of chromosomal material.There are three forms of nondisjunction: failure of a pair of homologous chromosomes to separate in meiosis I, failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II, and failure of sister chromatids to separate during metaphase going into anaphase of mitosis.mitosis

If you examine a population of intestinal epithelial cells under a microscope most of the cells would appear in what phase of the cell cycle?

. be in mitosis.

What is the most hardest phase in mitosis to recognize?

prophase because it is the first phase-stage and metaphase is in the middle where the chromosomes aline in the middle anaphase is where the chromosomes split and telophase is where two new cells are created.

What makes tumor cells radiosensitive?

Simply: tumor cells tend to be more radiosensitive because they spend more time on average undergoing uncontrolled mitosis than normal cells. Since mitosis is the most sensitive phase of the cell cycle (phase through which the cell is most easily lethally damaged by radiation), their risk is increased. On another note, depending on which genes are causing the cell to become cancerous, certain blockers that would prevent a cell whose DNA had been damaged by radiation might not stop that cell from moving into mitosis, failing, and committing apoptosis (preprogrammed cell death).

What phase are most cells in when they stop dividing?

In between divisions cells enter interphase. During interphase the cell is growing in preparation for the next division. Cells that are no longer dividing are considered to be in senescence. Senescent cells are not growing or replicating their DNA.