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200 to 250 psi

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Q: At what pressure must LP gas be maintained to keep it in the liquid state?
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what Temperature and pressure combine to keep the outer core in a state?


How do you keep water in liquid state at 120 degree?

i think this can be done by redusing the pressure..

How do you keep oxygen in a liquid state?

By keeping it at an extremely low temperature (−183 °C) or at an extremely high pressure

What effect do you think that has no air pressure on the ground?

Without atmospheric pressure, water will boil to vapour, so as our blood and body would explode. Pressure is what that keep water in liquid and solid state on earth.

Temperature and pressure combine to keep the outer core in a?


What happens if you keep increasing both the pressure and the temperature of a liquid?

It will boil

Fission reactors the coolant runs through sealed pipes?

This is because the coolant is often under high pressure, and to keep it in the liquid state you must have sealed pipes.

What 2 factors will keep a gas dissolved in a liquid solution?

These factors are temperature and pressure.

How does gas turn to a liquid?

Gas is in its state for either or both of two reasons, both leading to the same effect. Either the temperature of the substance is too great to remain at a liquid state, or there is insufficient pressure to keep the molecules together enough to remain a liquid. Both reasons will cause the molecules to spread out, eventually turning into a gas. For a gas to turn into a liquid, either the pressure the substance is under would have to be increased or the temperature decreased, causing the molecules to be pressed together enough to return to its liquid form.

When a gas is dissolved in a liquid the gas dissolves faster if the liquid is what?

Henry's law states that the solubility of a gas is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas over the liquid. The higher the partial pressure, the more gas will be dissolved-- that's why your blood boils in a vacuum; there's not enough pressure to keep the gas in it dissolved.

What happens at the edge of skate?

At the blade of a skate, the pressure applied on the ice forms a slight layer of liquid water that reduces friction, therefore allowing you to glide gracefully (or fall not so gracefully) across the ice. The water melts with increasing pressure is due to water strange property, the fact that it has a lower density as a solid than a liquid. Therefore, with applied pressure, the melting point of water decreases since the lower volume state is liquid. Therefore, under intense pressure you can actually keep liquid water below its normal melting point.

How do you keep xenon in the liquid state?

Gases such a xenon could be kept in a liquid state by keeping them at low temperature and at high pressure. Xenon belongs to a group of gases known as the noble or inert gases which are very chemically stable. At least some of these gases do not actually form liquids but move straight from gaseous to a "solid like state". This is the case for Helium which rather than form a liquid actually move to a solid powder like state.