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Since the formal conclusion to World War II, debates and discussions have raged over when the Western nations should have attempted to stop Hitler by force before 1939. A general (if not unanimous) consensus points to 1936 and 1938 as the key opportunities missed by Hitler's opponents: in both years, Germany's military was much too weak to stand up to any serious threat by a combined force; in both years, a concerted effort to intervene would have dealt Hitler a serious, perhaps even fatal, blow.

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Q: At what stage do you think other countries should have attempted to stop Hitler by using force?
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Why did Hitler form a Luftwaffe?

"Luftwaffe" is simply the German word for "air force." Nearly all countries have an air force; Germany was and is no different.

What did Adolf Hitler consider the driving force of history?

The Nazi's believed that "the driving force in history was race."

What did the countries that were in NATO want to do during World War ll?

end the war and stop hitler from dominating the entire continents of europe and africa and to prevent the combined force of the third reich and the imperial japanese army from destroying western civilisation. also (even if they didn't know it at the time) they stopped Hitler from exterminating the entire jewish population in europe

Why were the Nazis and Hitler not successful up to 1928?

The Nazis had little success before 1930 because the country didn't have the same desperate economic need for change as it did later on. Hitler failed to seize control in the Munich Putsch. Hitler had attempted to overthrow the government and thought that if he attempted to gain power, the German people would rise up and support him, but this was unsuccessful. The Nazis were not very well known, and they were trying to force their way into power. They had a bit of a reputation for violence that turned the average middle class voter away. It wasn't until they gained Hitler as a spokesperson in the 1930s that the party started to gain momentum.

After Hitler took control of France how did he hope to force Great Britain's surrender?

Hitler needed to gain air superiority over the British Royal Air Force, so he could direct an invasion force across the English Channel - he failed. He cancelled his plan to invade Britain and turned eastwards to attack Russia instead.

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What did Adolf Hitler do that earned him a prison sentence?

In 1923, Hitler attempted to overthrow the Weimar Government using force and failed. Thus, he was arrested.

Which best explains the major weakness of missionary diplomacy?

It attempted to use force to bring democracy to certain countries.

Why did Hitler form a Luftwaffe?

"Luftwaffe" is simply the German word for "air force." Nearly all countries have an air force; Germany was and is no different.

What did Hitler attempt to do to Britain but was unsuccessful?

He attempted to destroy the Royal Air Force as a precursor to an invasion of the UK. His losses were so high that he abandoned his invasion plans (Operation Sealion).

How did Hitler take over Europe in the first 2 years?

Hitler was able to take over Europe through strategic military strategies, such as the Lutwaffe (German Air Force), and through forceful invasions of countries within Europe. Even when nonaggression pacts were agreed upon between Hitler and Europe and the United States, his fingers where crossed and he basically took the benefits the pact gave him, but blew off all the terms that he was supposed to abide by. Hitler also attempted to extend his influence, keeping in mind their we're those that agreed in parallel with his hatred of Jews. Through military force and manipulation, Hitler was able to extend his presence through many parts of Eurpoe.

When did Adolf Hitler conquer the Jews?

There was no "conquest" involved. Jews had no parcel of land that they controlled with military force; they were citizens of numerous countries. As for when the Nazi genocide began, that was in 1939, but came into full-force in 1941.

Who was on Hitler's list?

Allied force

What is attempted kidnapping?

It is when you attempted to kidnap a person and the attempt was failed.

Example of force theory?

Adolf Hitler is an example of the force theory

Should all country have an army?

All countries should have some rudimentary means of defence, whether it be an actual military force, or a paramilitary component of their police force.

What did Hitler's defence force consist of?

I know that the air force was called the luftwaffe.

Who would win Hitler or obama?

In an election Hitler would win using force, in a fight Hitler would also win.......