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It should be turned between 145-165 Degrees.

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Q: At what temperature do you turn the compost in a windrow?
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What is compost heat?

This is the heat that comes from the bacteria decaying the organic mater, it can reach up to 165 Degrees F in a compost windrow/pile during the composting proses, after the mater becomes decayed the temperature dose not get that high anymore

How long does it take for compost to turn to soil?

If you adopt the conventional composting mode, it depends on what materials are in the compost and if it is already mized with soil mixtures, so anywhere from a few weeks to about a year. Of course, it is widely used for small capacity of composting or homemade compost. But, as for large farms and fertilizer factory, they often use compost turning machine(, also called windrow turner to turn these waste into organic waste. Advantages of compost turner (Azeus fertilizer machinery) 1. Compost turner can shorten fermentation time from traditional fermentation about 45 days to 7-10 days with composting equipment. 2. Fermentation is more uniform, because of high turning heap and strong ability of windrow turners, which can turn materials all-around. 3. Processing capacity of such a compost turner, with one worker, is about 1000-3000 m 3/hour, which is labor-saving.

What is the birth name of Stellan Windrow?

Stellan Windrow's birth name is Windrow, Stellan Sven.

When was Martin Windrow born?

Martin Windrow was born in 1944.

How tall is Stellan Windrow?

Stellan Windrow is 6' 4".

A compost bin will turn organic waste into?

A compost bin will turn organic waste into natural fertilizer.

How can you make compost by using machines?

A Big compost pile. If for example you were cleaning out a horse barn, cow barn or chicken barn you could pile all the manure, old hay and straw using a skid loader. Make it a nice long row of compost about 4 to 6 feet high and 4 to 6 feet wide and as long as you want. Come back to the pile every 2 or 3 weeks and flip it with the skid loader to let more air into it. You will have nice compost in no time. If you want to have good compost you will need to push all your manure into a liquid pit. Then you will need to pump the liquid manure into a separator, which will make the manure have a moisture of 40-60%. This is then to be piled up in a stock pile until hauled to a field to be piled into windrows. You will pile it as high as your windrow turner is. Your then to check the temperature of the manure, when it reaches 145-165 Degrees you need to turn the pile with a windrow turner. Add water as needed to keep the compost between 40 and 60%. After a period of 90 days it should be ready. You will now take all the compost in the wind row and pile it in a stock pile, let it sit for 30 days to cure. After this 30 days it then can be marketed after you get the soil samples from it.

What is bad for compost?

Plastic is bad for compost because it will alter the temperature during the composting proses.

Why the compost pile turn every month?

For make sure all ingredient in the compost breakdown completely.For get the uniform equality of compost.

When was Stellan Windrow born?

Stellan Windrow was born on February 9, 1893, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Could compost turn into soil?

Yes. When you compost something, it breaks down and returns nutrients to the soil.

Why is it necessary to water a compost heap in dry weather and to turn it regularly?

composting organisms need heat and oxygen to break down the compost. If you don't turn the compost, anaerobic bacteria will take over and cause very bad smell.