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the enzene reactswith chlorine with temp of about 400k

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Q: At what temperature does benzene react with chlorine without catalyst?
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What is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed by the reaction?

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A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without undergoing a permanent change itself is?

A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without undergoing a permanent change itself is a catalyst.

What accelerates any chemical reaction but is not consumed in the reaction?

A catalyst. There are two types of catalyst: * Homogenous: a catalyst in the same state (i.e. solid, liquid, gas) as the reactants. * Heterogenous: a catalyst in a different state than the reactants

What happens to a chemical reaction without a catalyst?

he is a pagal

How does catalyst enable a reaction to happen more quickly?

The work done by the catalyst is to change the mechanism of a reaction, actually the alternate way using the catalyst needs lesser energy to the same reaction without the catalyst.

An example sentence with catalyst in it?

A catalyst is a substance that helps a chemical reaction happen faster without suffering any change. An example sentence is: Because of the catalyst, the project ending early.

Why do catalyst work without adding heat?

A catalyst changes the path of reaction mechanism and decreases the activation energy required by the reactants.

What is a substance that brings about reactions without being changed itself?

A catalyst

How is a catalyst represented in a chemical reaction?

You mean in a chemical equation? There it is always written over the arrow. Like so: .........electricity 2H2O------------>H2+O2

What is positive catalyst?

A catalyst is a substance whose presence alters the rates of the reaction without themselves undergoing any permanent change in concentration or composition .

What method will speed up chemical reaction?

Catalysts are compounds which speed up reactions without doing any chemical changes. Eg= MnO2 , V2O5 , Pd(CH3COO)2