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You can see Dorado the best at 9 p.m during the month of January.

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Q: At what time of year is the constellation dorado visible from earth?
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The Sun can not reveal a constellation that it is transiting through. If the Sun is actually in Taurus, this would be during the day time and the constellation would not be visible. At night the Sun is on the opposite side of the zodiac so the opposite sign (Scorpio) would be visible in the night sky.

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As a result of the earth's yearly orbit, each of the constellations visible at your latitude can be seen for a time in the night sky. Leo is most easily visible in the north during the month of April. Around October, the sun rises in or near the constellation Leo; it is still up there, but obscured by the brightness of the sun.

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How high in the sky is the constellation Taurus?

It depends on the time of year and the time of night. As the earth turns, the constellations appear to move from east to west. When a constellation has reached a point above you, it begins to descend. [At night, I use the constellation of Orion to estimate the time.] It also depends on where you live. The Southern Cross is not visible in the Northern Hemisphere, which is why it is called the Southern Cross. There may be web sites that can give you the exact position of any constellation at any given time depending on your location. I suggest you look for them using the keyword "astronomy." This contributor is familiar with Taurus as a house in the Zodiac, but not as a constellation.

When is the best time to observe constellation Serpens?

The answer depends on what part of the earth you are on.

What does the position of a constellation in the sky vary on?

-- The position of the constellation north or south in your sky depends of course on its actual direction from Earth, but also on your location on Earth. -- Its position east or west, high or low, depends on the time of year and the time of night.

What determines the constellation that are visible on any given night?

That's determined mainly by what time you're outside looking, and secondarily by the season of the year.