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Q: Atomic radius _moving from left to right across a period?
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An increase in the atomic number the atomic radius moving from left to right across a period.?


What does atomic radius do across a period?

It decreases.

How does the atomic radius vary in a period?

Atomic radius decreases across a period from left to right, except for the noble gases.

How does atomic radius vary in group and in period on periodic table?

Down a period the atomic radius increases as the number of shells (or energy levels) increases. Across a period the atomic radius decreases as the effective nuclear charge increases.

How does the atomic raduis change across a period of the periodic table?

Atomic radius usually decreases from left to right across a period of the periodic table.

What increases down a group and decreases across a period?

Atomic radius


As you move across the periodic table from left to right (across a period), the atomic radius of the elements tends to decrease.

How does the atomic radius change from the left to the right horizontal row in the periodic table?

from left to right the atomic radius decreases as the electrons that get added are added in the same shell as they are in the same period. the shielding effect remains constant but the proton number increases which inturn increases the effective nuclear pull on the electrons bringing the electrons closer to the nuclei hence decreasing the radius of the atom

How are period and group trends in atomic radii are related to electron configuration?

The atomic radius decreases along the elements across a period. Along a group, there is an increment in the atomic radius of corresponding elements.

What happens to size of atoms while moving across the period?

Atomic Radius Decreases from left to right. From left to right the amount of valence shell electrons increases, maxing out at 8. These valence electrons are pulled by the positively charged nucleus, thus making it smaller from left to right.

Which group of the main group elements contains the largest elements - Atomic Radius?

Group-1 has largest atomic radius. It decreases across a period

Atomic size generally as you go down a group?

Atomic size generally increases as you go down a group