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They are not! It is a prevalent myth that the elements are organized so that elements with the same configuration are organized into the same group, but all that really matters is the number of valence electrons, and that much is guaranteed by the arrangement in order of atomic number.

So we have for example in group 10, Ni with configuration [Ar] 3d8 4s2 , Pd with configuration [Kr] 4d10 , and Pt with configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d9 6s1.

Group 4 is characterized (supposedly) by the electron configuration d2 s2 but thorium which has this configuration is not placed in this group but in the actinides.

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3w ago

Atoms with the same electron configuration are organized in the same group or column of the Periodic Table. This is because elements in the same group have similar chemical properties due to their shared electron arrangement. The Periodic Table organizes elements based on increasing atomic number and similar chemical properties.

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8y ago

They are arranged in the same group. They have similar chemical properties.

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there are no same configurations. it is according to the atomic number.

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Q: Atoms of elements with the same electron configuration are organized in in the Periodic Table?
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What is periodic table in chemistry?

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Explain why the table of elements is periodic?

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Is the periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the electron configurations of the elements?

Yes, understanding the electron configurations of elements can help explain the arrangement of elements on the periodic table. Electron configurations determine an element's chemical properties, reactivity, and position within the table. The periodic table is organized based on recurring patterns in electron configurations, such as the filling of energy levels and sublevels.

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An element's electron configuration determines its chemical properties, which in turn influence its placement on the periodic table. Elements with similar electron configurations tend to exhibit similar chemical behavior and are grouped together on the periodic table in columns (groups). The periodic table is organized based on similarities in electron configurations to help predict an element's properties based on its location.

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No, there is only one periodic table. The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of chemical elements, organized based on their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. It provides a systematic representation of the elements and is universally recognized and used in chemistry.

How are elements catagorized in the periodic table?

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Elements in the periodic table have a unique number of protons in their nucleus, which determines their atomic number and identity. They also have characteristic properties based on their electron configuration, which influences their chemical behavior. Additionally, elements in the periodic table are organized based on their atomic structure and properties.

What is the relationship between the electron configuration of an element and the period in which that element appear in the periodic table?

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The most useful source of chemical information about the elements is a?

periodic table. The periodic table provides a concise and organized overview of all the known elements, including their atomic number, atomic mass, and other key properties. It allows scientists to quickly access information about each element, such as its electron configuration, valence electrons, and chemical reactivity.

Scientist have grouped all element into a?

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