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to treat secretion

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Q: Atropine is commonly given preoperatively in combination with narcotic medications to achieve what outcome?
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Is atropine a steroid?

No! Atropine is commonly used with steroids after proper diagnosis.

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Why atropine is given in bronchial asthma?

atropine is use to combat bronchospasm. most commonly as the ipratropium bromide. bronchospasm is one means by which asthma occurs. btw atropine is used mostly in emergency medecine. atrovent is used more for maintenance therapy

Can you take antivan and celexa together?

This combination is commonly prescribed. As with all medications, Ativan and Celexa should only be used (alone or in combination) as prescribed.

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Commonly used medications should be periodically rotated according to the

What are some commonly prescribed eye medications?

tobrex, erythromycin ointment, Patanol

What medications are commonly used for substance abusers?

Anti-addiction medications, such as methadone and naltrexone, are also commonly used. A new treatment option has been developed that allows family physicians to treat heroine addiction from their offices

How do you correct ED?

erectile dysfunction is most commonly treated by medications you can get from the doctor, such as cialis.

Are there medications for emotionally unstable people?

Yes there are medications for emotionally unstable people. Such people are normally distressed which causes them to be unstable emotionally. Antidepressants are commonly used for such people.

What medications are used in patient-controlled analgesia systems?

The medications most commonly used in PCA pumps are synthetic, opium-like pain-relievers (opioids), usually morphine and meperidine (Demerol).

Which dilates the pupils?

Pupils dilate when there's not enough light in the room or area you're in. They dilate to let in as much light as possible so you can see as well as you can in the dark. When outside and it's bright, your pupils get smaller because there is too much light. ~ ~Imadork881 changed to Sleenky ^.^

Which opiates do not cause nausea?

Phenergan (generic: Promethazine) is an anti-nausea medication. It is commonly prescribed along with narcotic pain medications to eliminate nausea. I believe they also make a phenergan/codeine combination pill that helps to prevent nausea and eliminate pain.