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Q: Average customer spend Starbucks
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How much time do you spend directly with a customer or prospect on an average day?

I would spend one hour or longer with a planned appointment. I would spend more time with a prospecting customer because the time it takes to establish the account.

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About 35-60% of what ever each customer spends, to determin the average spend well that i cant answer. Though as a guess 1000 people visit in a hour 500 spend less than $50 and 500 spend more than $100 the average would be around $75,

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I would say about twelve dollars.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc how much money does the average customer spend?

175.00 per month

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It varies between the better and what salary they earn but the average casino customer loses about $100 in a typical day.A normal person with a normal salary would probably spend $100?

How much money does Starbucks spend on advertising?

According to, a research tool for ad agencies, Starbucks spends around $141 Million a year on advertising

How much do you spend on Starbucks coffee per week?

60-70 dollars a week

Does Starbucks spend more on employee health insurance than on coffee beans?

They did, and they still do. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said Starbucks expects to spend about $200 million this year for health care for its 80,000 U.S. employees - more than the total amount it spends on coffee from Africa, Indonesia and other countries.

What do Cinderella Starbucks and the Chicago Cubs have in common?

== == They spend a lot on their products every year. Bacically nothing.

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How much does a customer have to spend to receive ten pounds cash back

How might you increase the average spend per customer in each store?

I would recommend finding out the transaction productivity, meaning in an average transaction, is the typical customer buying 1 item, 2 items, or more? The easiest way is to take the total number of units (or items) sold, and divide by the total number of transactions conducted, that gives you your Units Per Transaction productivity. This is a sure way to increase your spend per customer, just by getting customers to spend on multiple items. You can recommend some "impulse" items during checkout, or when helping the customer shop. I'd recommend using Vanilla Progress (, it's a pretty easy to use online tool that tracks your sales progress by analyzing a few basic transaction data, it then tells you your performance in spend per customer, units per transaction, average unit sales, etc. with trend charts, snap shot figures, and business performance summary.