

Average income in Germany

Updated: 4/29/2024
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9y ago

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According to the OECD statistics at
the average per capita income in 2005 is US $29 853.0506

This seems to be the latest figures as at July 5 2007

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16y ago
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1mo ago

The average income in Germany is around €36,649 per year (gross). However, income can vary significantly based on factors such as location, occupation, experience, and education level.

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9y ago

In Germany the average income is about $30,721 in US dollars per year. The employment rate for people between 15 and 64 in Germany is 73 percent.

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11y ago

i dont know much but i know that they made at least 132853 rubels

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14y ago

Average household income in Europe is GBP35,730

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14y ago

$36,444 (gross), $25,416 (disposable).

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