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No, a nerve may have been accidentally contacted by the LP needle.

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Q: Bad nerve pain in leg after lumbar puncture is this normal?
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Is a lumbar puncture invasive?

usually not that painfull but as always in pain, it depends a bit on the patients pain perception (women feel less pain to give an example, but we all have different levels of pain "awareness") and it also depends on the experience of the doctor performing the procedure.Sometimes you can get a lidocaine (xilocaine) injection first on the site of the puncture, to anesthetize the area a little, though this is not "necessary".I have had patients that feel amazed at the end of the procedure how easy it was on them, but some other have felt more pain than what I expected.All in all, I wouldn't feel so frightened about a lumbar puncture since it is the same needle thick we used to draw out blood. It is the thickness of the needle that it is important, pain-wise, not the length of it. Of course the skin on the back is more sensitive than your arm's but still, I think its a nice remark.Some patients may feel like a needle was inserted on their thighs when the puncture is being done, nothing too painful, just like a little sting on the leg.

What are the risks of lumbar punch?

Post-lumbar puncture headache. About 1 out of 3 people who have undergone a lumbar puncture develop a headache afterward due to a leak of fluid into nearby tissues. The headache typically starts several hours up to two days after the procedure and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Post-lumbar puncture headaches can last from a few hours to a week or more.Back discomfort or pain. You may feel pain or tenderness in your lower back after the procedure. The pain might radiate down the back of your legs.Bleeding. Serious bleeding can occur if you have a blood-clotting disorder or take blood-thinning or other anticoagulant medications.Brainstem herniation. Increased intracranial pressure, due to a brain tumor or other space-occupying lesion, can lead to compression of the brainstem after a sample of cerebrospinal fluid is removed. A computerized tomography (CT) scan or MRI prior to a lumbar puncture can be obtained, if needed, to determine if there is evidence of increased intracranial pressure.This complication is

What can cause lingering pain after lumbar sprain?

You may still be getting spasms in the muscle, or something could be trapping the nerve. It depends where the pain is and what nature of pain. You really need to see a doctor, who can do the necessary investigations.

Could pain on right knee cause numbness on big toe?

Hi, Usually it is a nerve compression in the L4-5 Lumbar spine area.

What does a post lumbar puncture headache feel like?

These headaches usually are a dull pain, although some people report a throbbing sensation. A stiff neck and nausea may accompany the headache.

Will lumbar support pillows help lower back pain?

It really depends on the person and type of back pain. If you just have an average aching back, a lumbar support pillow could be very helpful and relief some back pain. If the pain is from a pinched nerve, scoliosis, or another medical condition, I would suggest going to see a doctor and/or a chiropractor.

What is involved during the medical procedure lumbar puncture?

A lumbar puncture is a common medical procedure in which a spinal needle is introduced into the epidural space with the objective of drawing a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid for analysis. It can also be done to inject medications and sometimes iodinated contrast media.

What is the association of disc herniation and sciatica?

Lumbar disc hernias are commonly associated with sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the lower back) due to disc protrusion or herniation that compresses the spinal nerve root radiating to the femoral or sciatic nerve.

Can an individual with lumbar stenosis perform normal daily tasks without pain?

Those who suffer from chronic pain due to lumbar stenosis can find relief in medications or cortisone injections. In severe cases surgery is performed to remove the structures that are compressing the nerves.

Slight loss of normal lumbar lordosis?

Slight loss of normal lumbar lordosis is a subjective evaluation by the radiologist of the alignment of the lumbar vertebrae which should form a forward facing curve on the lateral x-ray of the lumbar spine. It is a highly subjective evaluation and for the most part, when slight, can not be inferred to have any specific meaning. A normal lumbar spine may seem to have a slight loss of lordosis. Pain, muscle spasm, arthrosis and a host of other conditions may be associated with the finding.