

Nerve Pain

Nerve pain, also known as neuralgia, is a discomfort that follows the path of a nerve. Common causes of nerve pain include injuries, swelling and irritation, and many diseases like different types of arthritis.

335 Questions

Why can people perceive a sensation despite missing the sense receptor?

People can perceive a sensation despite missing the sense receptor due to a phenomenon called sensory substitution. In this process, the brain can reorganize and utilize information from other intact senses to fill in missing sensory inputs. For example, a person who is blind may develop enhanced auditory or tactile perception to compensate for the lack of visual input.

Where do you feel pain when the S1 nerve is pinched?

When the S1 nerve is pinched, pain can be felt in the lower back, buttocks, back of the thigh, calf, outside edge of the foot, and in some cases, the little toe. This type of pain is known as sciatica and can be sharp, shooting, or burning in nature.

What are the adaptations of nerve cells?

Nerve cells, or neurons, have specialized structures such as dendrites to receive signals, an axon to transmit signals, and synapses to communicate with other neurons. They also have the ability to generate and propagate electrical impulses, known as action potentials, to transmit information throughout the body. Additionally, neurons can change their connections and modify their function in response to experiences or stimuli, a process known as neural plasticity.

Can you get nerve damge from a Bunsen burner burns?

Yes, exposure to a Bunsen burner flame can cause nerve damage if the burn is severe enough to penetrate the skin and affect underlying nerves. It is important to seek medical attention for any burns from a Bunsen burner to ensure proper treatment and to prevent complications like nerve damage.

Can you become cripple do to peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy can cause weakness and loss of sensation in the limbs, which may impact mobility and balance. In severe cases, this could result in difficulty walking or using the affected limbs, but it does not usually lead to complete paralysis or being "crippled" in the traditional sense of the word. Physical therapy and medical management can help to improve symptoms and prevent further complications.

The characteristic of a nerve cell that relates directly to its function in receiving and transmitting nerve impulses is its what?

The characteristic of a nerve cell that relates directly to its function in receiving and transmitting nerve impulses is its long, branched structure called dendrites and axons. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body, while axons carry signals away from the cell body to other neurons or cells.

Which type of nerve cell resembles a star?

A type of nerve cell that resembles a star is an astrocyte. Astrocytes are a type of glial cell in the central nervous system that provide physical support and regulate chemical environment around neurons. They have numerous branching processes that give them a star-like appearance.

Why do nerve cells have fine extensions?

Nerve cells have fine extensions called dendrites and axons to receive and transmit electrical signals, allowing for communication between different parts of the nervous system. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, while axons transmit signals to other neurons or target cells such as muscles or glands. These extensions enable nerve cells to integrate and relay information efficiently.

What Chemical messengers that transport nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another are called?

Chemical messengers that transmit nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another are called neurotransmitters. These molecules are released from the axon terminals of one neuron and bind to receptors on the dendrites of another neuron to propagate the signal. Common neurotransmitters include dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine.

What is the nerve cells job?

Nerve cells, or neurons, are responsible for transmitting electrical signals throughout the body. They help to relay information between the brain, spinal cord, and the rest of the body, allowing for sensory perception, movement, and communication between different parts of the nervous system.

The Neurons that carry messages to the brain are called?

The neurons that carry messages to the brain are called sensory neurons. They transmit information from sensory receptors in the body to the brain for processing and interpretation.

Human Nerve Cells?

Human nerve cells, or neurons, are specialized cells that transmit electrical signals throughout the body. They have a cell body, dendrites that receive signals, and an axon that carries signals away. Neurons communicate with each other at junctions called synapses by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters.

I have nerve pain in my leg from a herniated disk. I am currently taking aspin for my heart and I need something for the nerve problem. What can I take that won't interfer with the aspirin?

You can try medications like gabapentin or pregabalin for nerve pain; they should not interfere with aspirin. However, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before adding any new medication to your regimen to ensure safety and effectiveness. Physical therapy and other non-medication treatments may also be beneficial for managing nerve pain.

Why do you need nerve cells?

Nerve cells, or neurons, are essential for transmitting electrical signals throughout the body, allowing us to communicate, move, think, and sense the environment. They play a vital role in the functioning of the nervous system, which controls all bodily processes and activities. Without nerve cells, we would not be able to perform basic functions such as breathing or walking.

What connects nerve cells?

Nerve cells are connected by structures called synapses, which are specialized junctions that allow for communication between neighboring nerve cells. At the synapse, electrical signals are converted into chemical signals that can be transmitted to the next nerve cell, facilitating the transmission of information throughout the nervous system.

Is the posterior interosseous nerve a cranial nerve or a spinal nerve?

what does ninth cranial nerve control? glossopharyngeal nerve is a mixed nerve, it has sensory and motor part. the sensory is at the poserior 1/3 of the tongue. It also is part of the pharyngeal plexus. (9,10,11)

The motor part of the nerve ONLY supply the stylopharyngeus muscle!

If you have compression of a nerve at the elbow how do you treat it It has caused a pinched nerve in your back?

Treatment for nerve compression at the elbow that has caused a pinched nerve in the back may include physical therapy exercises, anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid injections, and in severe cases, surgery to release the compressed nerve at the elbow. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and personalized treatment plan.

If you chipped your tooth and a small part of your nerve was showing how possible is it that the nerve will die?

If a small part of the nerve is exposed due to a chipped tooth, there is a risk of the nerve becoming damaged or infected, which could potentially cause it to die. It is important to seek dental care promptly to prevent further complications and to determine the best course of treatment to protect the nerve.

Malignant nerve sheathed tumor in my leg What can I expect in the pain department in the next few years?

Pain levels can vary depending on the tumor's growth and impact on nearby nerves. You may experience intermittent or persistent pain, which may worsen over time as the tumor grows. It's essential to work closely with your healthcare team to manage pain effectively through medication, physical therapy, and other treatments.

Can you die from pain?

It really depends on the type of abdominal pain you are having.

How does peripheral neuropathy affect the hands?

In the hands, many people with this disorder must wear a brace or some sort of support. They lack their previous dexterity and fingers become numb. Manual tasks become difficult or almost impossible.

What are chest pains?

Chest muscle pain is mostly an indication of a serious medical condition. At most times, this type of pain is considered to be a medical emergency which would require immediate attention. Patients usually suffer from pain in upper, lower, right as well as left part of their chest area. The symptoms are such that the patient suffering from chest muscle pain experiences a sense of heavy pressure in the chest area. The patient also experiences a sense of discomfort. The patient may feel a stabbing pain in the chest if the patient had a heart attack. Other symptoms can be shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness etc.

Hope this helps.

Is throbbing a pain?

Because it hurt's When You bump You toe into a Couch ,Right? ... Well Do to muscle Spasms Caused inside of the flesh it Takes a hit that sends direct hurtful contact to your brain which is a train reaction to a yelp or Scream ...

What is disc protrusion with high intensity zone also causing mild foraminal encroachment at L4-L5?

It's from a radiology report - essentially it's saying that there's a mild disk bulge (not full herniation) at the L4/5 disk that's encroaching on the L4/5 foramina. The foramina is the part of the vertebrae between the spine and vertebrae where the nerves pass. They look like holes or notches behind the vertebrae.

It's not uncommon for a disk protrusion in the lower lumbar area to impinge on the foraminal nerves. Mild just indicates it's not enough of a problem to warrant anything other than non-surgical therapy (rest, anti-inflammatories, etc.). There's usually an underlying cause though - stenosis, injury, old age, weight, etc.

The best way to deal with it is to limit the amount of stress you put on your lumbar spine, and to change the way you sleep (assuming you haven't already). Never sleep on your back, unless you've got cushion under your knees that will flatten your lumbar spine against the mattress; if you sleep on your side, put a cushion between your knees that will keep your legs parallel (this reduces pressure on the hips and lower spine); and never sleep on your stomach. Putting a cushion or pillow behind you and for your arm to rest on (if sleeping on your side) will help keep you from rolling over. Even though I did it for years before my first fusion, I still do it today, and it still helps.