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Q: Bahamas Hispaniola and Puerto Rico are part of what?
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Which islands are part of the greater antilles?

Cuba Jamaica Puerto Rico Hispaniola

Where did the tainos settle in the Caribbean?


What are five Spanish-speaking islands?

Cuba Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Canary Islands (part of Spain) Isla Margarita (part of Venezuela)

What land did the Tainos inhabit?

The Taino culture developed on the islands of Boriken (Puerto Rico) Kiskeya (Dominican Reb.) and Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas and the southern part of Florida.

What contenent is Puerto Rico in?

Puerto Rico is part of the American continent.

Is Costa Rica part of Puerto Rico?

No, Costa Rica is in no way apart of Puerto Rico.

What is the mother country of Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico was once a part of Spain.

What continet is Puerto Rico in?

Puerto Rico is it's own island but if it was in a continent it would be North America.

What part of the America's did Ponce De Leon sail to?

Juan Ponce De Leon sailed to Florida, Cuba, Bahamas, Hisponiola, and Puerto Rico.

What power does the president of Puerto Rico have?

There is no President of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is part of the US, so the President of the United States is the head of state for Puerto Rico, as for the rest of the US.

Are the little islands surrounding Puerto Rico part of Puerto Rico?

Yes, yes they are

What four large Caribbean islands are part of the Greater Antilles?

The large Caribbean islands that are part of the the Greater Antilles are: Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (containing the countries Haiti and the Dominican Republic) and Puerto Rico.