

Banana plants are trees

Updated: 11/10/2022
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14y ago

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They are Trees

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Q: Banana plants are trees
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What kind of plants grow from seeds?

Coconut trees, Tomato Plant, Apple Trees, Banana Tree etc. Those plants which bear fruit.

What is the name of the tree that bananas grow on?

Banana Trees. Bananas are not trees they are herbacious perenial plants.

Is it a banana tree or bush?

Bananas do not grow on trees. The plant is the largest of the Herbacious plants growing some 20 to 25 feet high. The main stem is called a pseudostem which dies back after the fruit has been harvested Tree. Bananas grow on trees.

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An oasis is a some underground water that has helped some hardy plants to grow in the middle of the desert the plants usually consist of palm trees banana trees etc

How do banana tree's grow?

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What are the trees in kerala?

Kerala is a green state with a wide variety of plants and trees adorning most of the areas. Coconut trees, Banana Plants, Rubber Plants, Jack Fruit Tree, Tamarind, Tapioca, Paddy Fields etc are common sight along the Kerala roads.

Do bananas grow in trees?

If you were to see a banana plantation, you'd probably say "yes," bananas do grow on trees. But although banana plants certainly look like trees, growing up to 30 feet tall, they're really giant shoots, the banana plant is an herb, not a tree! In fact, the banana is the largest plant on earth without a woody stem.

Why is a banana a fruit of the ground rather than a fruit of the tree?

Banana do not grow on trees. Their parent plants are herbs - plants with woody stems and are annuals or semi annuals. The root part of a banana plant is more or less permanent, and from which new stems rise and which then bear fruit.

Is banana a deciduous tree?

Bananas are not trees but herbaceous perennial plants that die back in the winter, or in tropical climates slow their growth.

How many banana trees are in the plantation runescape?

There are exactly 33 Trees in the Banana Plantation.