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Q: Based on the pedigree above how many offspring from this cross had the recessive phenotype?
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Why is it difficult to determine the genotype of an organism that has a dominant phenotype?

NO, because a dominant phenotype could either be homozygous or a unless you are sure about the genotype of parents we can't determine it...but we can determine the genotype of a person showing reccessive phenotype, as a recessive trait always expresses itself in a homozygous condition...

When offspring show a blend of the parents traits one allele is dominant over the other?

The results in the offspring hinge on the genetic make up of the parents. Each expressed trait is either the result of a dominant or recessive phenotype. The relative dominance or recessiveness of the alleles doesn't change only the rate at which they are expressed based on the allele present for each obseerved trait in the parents.

What is the genotype of a child if the mother is homozygous for the dominant trait and the father is homozygous for the recessive trait?

The dominant parent is most likely homozygous dominant, and the recessive parent has only the homozygous genotype. So the dominant parent can pass on only dominant alleles for this trait, and the recessive parent can pass on only recessive alleles for this trait. So all of the offspring would be heterozygous and have the dominant phenotype.

How do dominant and recessive alleles affect pheno type?

An allele can effect the phenotype of an organism by its dominance or recessiveness. If two dominant alleles are crossed the offsprings will carry the dominant trait of the alleles. If a dominant allele is crossed with recessive allele the phenotype of the offsprings will be of that of the dominant allele. And if two recessive alleles are crossed the phenotype of their offsprings will carry the reccesive trait.

If two genes in a gene pair are for the same trait what will that trait be?

The question should be "If two alleles for a gene are the same, what phenotype will the organism have?" Answer: If the two alleles are for the dominant phenotype, the organism will exhibit the dominant phenotype. If the two alleles are for the recessive phenotype, the organism will have the recessive phenotype.

What is the entire genetic make up of an organism called?

it relates to the phenotype A phenotype is how the organism looks based on which genes are expressed. A genotype is how the organism is genetically structured, including recessive genes that are not apparent when looking at the organism. Some diseases, like colorblindness, are recessive and are only expressed when there is not a dominant gene to override it. The entire genetic makeup of an animal is its genome.

What is the phenotype ratio of the offspring of the plants in the Punnett square?

The heterozygous plants are purple, therefore purple is the dominant allele.Assuming it is a single gene with only two possible alleles and the other colour is white; a cross between two heterozygous plants (Pp X Pp) should produce 3 purple and 1 white offspring. This means 3/4 will be purple.1 offspring will have the genotype PP (purple), 2 will have Pp (purple) and 1 will have pp (white).

What is the traits produced by an organism's genes?

A genotype is the entire genetic make up of an organism. The phenotype is the actual expressed traits or characteristics found within an organism. The distinction between genotype and phenotype can be made based on dominant and recessive genes.

What an organism looks like as a result of a gene is called?

a phenotype is the physical characteristics of an organism based on its genotype.

Can you determine a persons genotype based on phenotype?

In some cases but not others. Certain alleles can be dominant, which means that they will dictate the phenotype should there be a clash of alleles in the genotype. Other alleles can be recessive, which means you'd need both of these alleles in these genotype in order for it to dictate the phenotype. This means that if a person's phenotype represents a dominant trait, we cannot be certain what their genotype is. If, however, it represents a recessive trait, we know that their genotype must be the recessive allele twice.

What is one negative consequence on nonrandom mating based on geographic proximity?

Matings of related individuals can amplify certain traits and can cause result in offspring with disorders caused by recessive genes.

What is a physical expression of genes?

A physical expression of genes is what is known as a phenotype. A phenotype gives the appearances of organisms based on how it's gene are expressed and put together in a functioning form.