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Modern humans have opposable thumbs but not opposable toes.

An opposable thumb means that you can touch the tips of your other fingers with the tip of your thumb, but not with any of the other fingers. This allows you to hold and manipulate objects with more precision.

An opposable big toe is similarly useful for gripping objects with the feet. This would be particularly useful for an animal which climbed trees, as our ancestors did.


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Without an opposable thumb, we wouldn't be able to grip anything properly. Without an opposable thumb, we couldn't hold a ball for example. our only gripping style would be with scissor fingers (using our fingers like chopsticks) and that is useless for anything heavier than a magazine or anything thicker than a stick.

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Q: Based on your knowledge of human evolution how might opposable toes have been useful to humans ancestors?
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How does archaeology provide knowledge of early human life?

fossils of human ancestors ,footprints of humans and evidence of the earliest use of simple tools all provide knowledge of early human life

Was Genetic drift a factor in the diversity and evolution of humans?

False, was.

List three primate adaptations found in humans?

1. opposable digits on the hands 2. enclosed orbits around the eyes 3. nails instead of claws

What is Theory of Man's Evolution?

Human evolution is necessarily part of the overall evolution of species, since without evolution of species there could be no evolution of humans. On the other hand, from a religious perspective, evolution could be true for lesser species, but not humans. In fact this was a nineteenth century proposition, because its proponents believed that God created man in his image. This proposition no longer has significant support and those who deny the fact of human evolution seek to disprove evolution altogether.Although we may not be able to say who first defined evolution as the means by which new species arise, we do know that early pioneers of evolution theories include Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Lamarck. Charles Darwin (1809-1892) was the first to recognise the role of natural selection in evolution. He defined the process by which evolution occurs as being natural selection, in his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.If we look at the other primates, we can see that the great apes are similar in some ways to humans, and similar in other ways to monkeys. In fact, scientists are able to say that humans and chimpanzees evolved from a common ancestor some seven million years ago. Fossil evidence is inconclusive in proving this link, but it can be shown from DNA analysis of modern chimpanzees and humans.Or species is known as Homo sapiens. Current theories say that we evolved from our immediate ancestors, Homo erectusin Africa some 200,000 years ago. However, recent finds of Homo erectus in Asia reopen the possibility that the evolution of Homo sapiens may have been to some extent multi-regional.Neanderthal man was a close relation to modern humans, and occupied parts of Europe and western Asia from abour 220,000 years ago until perhaps 30,000 years ago, co-existing with modern humans for some of that time. They were at once believed to be a subspecies of Homo sapiens, but most scientists now believe that they were a distinct species. Scientists also dispute whether the Neanderthals may have interbred with modern humans, and whether any offspring would have been fertile.The probable ancestor of Homo erectus is Homo habilis, an even more ancient human species that lived about 2 million to 1.5 million years ago in Africa.Earlier species that may have been our ancestors, or were at least related to our ancestors include Australopithecus boisei. Australopithecus robustus, Australopithecus africanus, AustraIopithecus afarensis, Kenyanthropus platyops, Orrorin tugenensis, Ramapithecus and Sahelanthropus tchadensis. Sahelanthropus tchadensislived seven million years ago.

How do humans acquire knowledge?

Humans acquire knowledge by Cells through their head touching their skull making them uncomfortable. otherwise making them flarbetical. (flarbetical- Is to be worried, or to feel wrong.)

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What did the theory of human evolution say?

There is no separate theory of evolution for humans. Human evolution is the theory of evolution applied to humans. Evolutionary theory states that modern lifeforms, including humans, derive from common ancestors through a process of reproductive variation and natural selection.

What are humans' great possessions?

Opposable thumbs and inquisitiveness. They are responsible for all adaptation, evolution, and progression of human kind since cave-man days.

How do opposable thumbs help us?

Humans (with opposable thumbs) can grasp, carry and grip things that other animals including primates (who lack opposable thumbs) cannot.

Do humans only have opposable thumbs?

No humans are not the only ones. Chimps also have them.

What is evolution of humanities?

The evolution of humans is the concept that humans evolved from the same ancestors as apes and monkeys. Human evolution is the part of biological evolution concerning the emergence of humans as a distinct species. It is the subject of a broad science that seeks to understand and describe how this change and development occurred. The study of human evolution encompasses many scientific disciplines, most notably biological-anthropology, linguistics and genetics. The term "human", in the context of human evolution, refers to the genus homo, but studies of human evolution usually include other hominini, such as the australopithecine.

Does a chimpanzee have an opposable thumb?

Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.Yes they do.

What animal has opposable thumbs and biocular vision?

All primates - humans, apes, chimpanzees etc

Do lemurs have opposable thumbs?

Chimpanzees are non-human primate mammals. They have hands similar to humans which do include opposable thumbs on both their left and right hands.

Are animal thumbs called oposable thumbs?

Humans and primates.

Do all primates have opposable toes?

Humans are a primate, and we do not have opposable toes. So not all primates do. However, most primates do have opposable toes because those are a big advantage for getting extra grip when climbing trees.

Do groundhogs have opposable thumbs?

no, i dont think they do. i belive that is a characteristic of primates and humans.

What does a raccoon have in common with humans?

Opposable thumbs. Raccoons have actual 'hands', with a movable thumb, just like humans.