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Q: Battle in which Washington's patriots defeated the largest british force on the continent?
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The decisive battle where patriots defeated British troops under the command of Lord Cornwallis took place where?

in the woods

What earlt defeats did the patriots face?

The Patriots got defeated in Canada and New York, but then sprung up and had victories in New Jersey and Saratoga.

Name the battle in which the patriots finally defeated the british?

The Battle of Yorktown was the big defeat. The American forces and managed to corner the British Army on a peninsula. The French Navy prevented the British Navy from being able to rescue them. The results was the surrender of the British.

How did john paul Jones actions help win the revolutionary war?

Because he gave the Patriots hope that the British COULD be defeated.

What advantages did both the patriots and the British have in the Revolutionary War?

The British had the advantage of a well trained and well equipped army. They were the best army in the world at the time having defeated the French in Canada and winning battles in Europe. The Patriots had the advantage of knowing the land where the battles were fought. They had the incentive to win because they would have been executed by the British.



How the Battle of Bunker Hill effected the outcome of the American revolution?

The patriots held their own until they ran out of ammunition. Of course they were defeated but they felt successful because of the many British casualties. The Patriots had stood up to the greatest army in the world.

Why did Paul Revere helped the Patriots?

he was the messenqer to the patriots, these were his words"the british are cominq!"he warned them about the british.

Why were Patriots willing to fight the British?

The patriots faght the british so that they could have civil rights.

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