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can hear well in both water and air

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Q: Because of their tympanic membrane the leopard frogs?
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Because of their tympanic membrane leopard frogs?

The tympanic membrane on the leopard frog is what would be considered their eardrum. It is located directly behind the frog's eye, externally.

What is the medical term for a frogs eardrum?

The tympanic membrane .

Where is frogs tympanic membrane?

Just behind the eyes.

What is the function of the dwarf African frogs tympanic membrane?

Anurans (frogs) have a tympanic membrane located posterior to their eyes. This circular membrane represents their external ear as it has an auditory function. Sex can also be determined by examining the tympanic membrane. Males have a tympanic membrane significantly larger than their eyes, while females' are usually around the same size as their eyes.

Function of frogs tympanic membrane?

Not only the tympanic membrane receives wavesounds, it also equalizes the pressure within.

Where are the tympanic membranes in frogs?

The tympanid membrane is the eardrum of the frog. It vibrates and lets the frog know danger is near. The frog will use it's own croak, song, or peep to (echo) bounce sound off of trees, rocks, sticks or other things and the frog will instantly know if a predator is close if something seems amiss.

How many leopard frogs are thire?

how many leopard frogs are there

How man offspring do a pair of leopard frogs have in a year?

Leopard frogs do not not produce human (man) offspring, they produce more leopard frogs.

What is the membrane that is located on the side of a frogs head?

Tympanic membranes-- essentially 'eardrums' much like the eardrums deep inside our human ears. Frogs don't have external pinnae (ears) like we do, but you do see their eardrums right there on the side of the head.

What is the location of the eustachian tubes in a frog?

The tympanic membrane acts as an eardrum.well it acts like a eardrum and it helps it hear thingsThe tympanic membrane acts as a eardrum.It is used for hearing. Hearingit allows it to hear, it is the frog's eardrumEardrums

Where can leopard frogs be found?

Leopard Frogs (also known as common frogs or meadow frogs) can be found in damp environments, in temperate parts of North America.

How can frogs hear sounds without ears?

tympanic Membranes that act as ears