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Q: Because the final stages of cellular respiration require oxygen the are said to be what?
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Do plants require oxygen for cellular respiration?

yes they do

Why is cellular respiration an aerobic respiration?

Because cellular respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen.

What parts of cellular respiration don't require oxygen?

Glycolysis is the only part of cellular respiration that does not require oxygen. It is the process by which glucose is broken down to produce pyruvate and a small amount of ATP. The subsequent steps of cellular respiration, including the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain, require oxygen to fully extract energy from glucose.

What is one true distinction between fermentation and cellular respiration?

One distinction is that fermentation does not require oxygen, while cellular respiration does. Fermentation produces a smaller amount of ATP compared to cellular respiration.

The cells of a redwood tree require oxygen for the process of?

Cellular Respiration

How are cellular respiration and anaerobic respiration similar?

Both cellular respiration and anaerobic respiration are processes that involve the breakdown of glucose to produce energy in the form of ATP. They both occur in the cytoplasm of cells. However, anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen, while cellular respiration requires oxygen and occurs in the mitochondria.

What are the difference cellular respiration and respiration?

Oxygen is the difference! Cellular respiration requires oxygen, while cellular fermentation does not.

Which stage of cellular respiration requires oxygen?

The electron transport chain stage of cellular respiration requires oxygen as the final electron acceptor. Oxygen is needed to drive the production of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

Why is external respiration vital to cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration need oxygen. This oxygen is supplied by external respiration

Why is oxygen necessry for cellular respiration?

Yes, Oxygen is required for cellular respiration.

What is the formula for cellular anaerobic respiration?

The formula for cellular anaerobic respiration in human cells is: glucose → lactic acid + energy. This process occurs in the cytoplasm and does not require oxygen.

What two things does cellular respiration require as inputs?

Oxygen and Fuel, (More specifically, Sugar.)