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The lungs are the organs that "trap" oxygen from the atmosphere for animals to breath. Lungs do not really trap oxygen, however, they present a tissue to the oxygen-rich air in which the oxygen may diffuse into, where it can be captured by the hemoglobin in the blood.

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Q: Because they trap oxygen from the atmosphere in the water for animals to breathe?
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Related questions

Why dont animals use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals do not use up all the oxygen in the atmosphere because plants produce oxygen. When they breathe, plants inhale carbon dioxide (which is what animals breathe out) and exhale oxygen (which is what animals breathe in).

How does the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen stay roughly the same in your atmosphere?

It is because plants take in carbon dioxide and breathe out Oxygen whereas, man and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. This cycle of life maintaines a roughly same percentage of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere.

Can you breathe in the solar system?

you can on earth but you would have to wear a astronaut suit with oxygen to breathe because there is no oxygen in the atmosphere

Why is oxygen useful to us?

We inhale oxygen for breathe. Also, animals and plants depend on it as well. It forms atmosphere so that air can stay on Earth and also a need of fire.

How do plants and animals mantain the level of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Animals breathe in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

How does oxygen use by animals?

Animals breathe in oxygen in the air.

How do plants MOST likely change the atmosphere in a way that is beneficial for animals?

When animals exhale, they release a gas called Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which can be lethal to animals if the gas is present in large quantities. Through the process of photosynthesis plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen as a byproduct. This helps animals because they need oxygen in order to breathe.

What do animals release to the atmosphere?

Just like us humans they breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water vapor.

What makes plants unique from animals in the food chain?

Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen; animals breathe in oxygen & breathe out carbon dioxide.

Can animals live longer if they breathe more oxygen?

no because we as humans are like animals, they gotta die sometime! i hope that answers your question. Thank you. Alternate answer: Unless an animal is suffering from some sort of oxygen deficiency, animals cannot live longer if they breathe more oxygen. They normally breathe plenty of oxygen.

Do you need atmosphere to breathe?

You need an atmosphere more than just for breathing but yes, an atmosphere is needed in order for us to breathe oxygen (it's in our atmosphere).

Why is it harder to breathe he higher you go?

Because - the higher up the atmosphere you go - the less oxygen is in the air you breathe. Our bodies need a certain percentage of the air we breathe to be Oxygen - reduce the amount of oxygen in each breath, and it soon affects the body.