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this is bad, you are just degrading your brain more and starting down a long path of addiction

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Q: Been up 3 days doing cocaine is this bad?
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Yes, make sure you know your limits. anything in excess in bad. as far as doing it, usually you do cocaine first, than the xanax to knock you out. cocaine users do this somtimes because it is hard to sleep afterwards.

Does cocaine go bad?

Drugs are bad, dont do them!

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Its bad that the elephant is been killed.

Why would a person take cocaine?

peer pressure, depression or simply for fun... never try it. youll be addicted & BAD BAD BAD things will happen to you & your family. you will not sleep for 3-7 days & could cause you to be hospitalized

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The free-base cocaine is obtained, a more strong drug.

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How painful is lordosis?

It varys , and it depends on how bad you you actually have lordosis, some days are fine some are incredibly painful, it also depends on what you have been doing physicaly, and or how you slept etc

Is cocaine a seditive or a hallucinogen?

both. but it is very bad for you...

How is cokane bad for you?

First of all it is "cocaine", and second of all, all drugs are bad for you.

What is bad to mix with Cocaine?

anything is bad to mix with it . should not even use