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Q: Before 1776 what is now the US was a collection of thirteen colonies under the control of France.?
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Before 1776 what is now the US was a collection of thirteen colonies under the control of France was true.?

Totally false. We were under the control of England. France helped the 13 colonies to get free of England. They gave us money, arms, and their army and navy helped the colonies to win the Battle of Yorktown, VA which won the Revolution for the 13 colonies. Our king was King George of England. That's why we speak English in the USA, not French.

Before 1776 what is now the US was a collection of thirteen colonies under the control of France True Or False?

Totally false. We were under the control of England. France helped the 13 colonies to get free of England. They gave us money, arms, and their army and navy helped the colonies to win the Battle of Yorktown, VA which won the Revolution for the 13 colonies. Our king was King George of England. That's why we speak English in the USA, not French.

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What were the thirteen original states of the us before they were called state?


Were there thirteen original colonies before the American Revolutionary War?

The revolutionary war was in the 13 colonies of the u.s.a.

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True or False Massachusetts was one of the original thirteen colonies?

Yes, there were 13 original colonies before the Revolutionary War.

How many original American colonies were there before the Revolution?

Great Britain had established thirteen American colonies.

What physical feature was the original boundary between the thirteen colonies and Indian territory before the french and Indian war?

Appalachian mountains

Who was the owner of the thirteen colonies before 1776?

"Owner" or controlling Government? The official owners were the Companies who paid from the explorations, but, after Columbus founded the Americas, England gained control as the Sovereign Government, and granted "Charters" to shipping companies to Colonize and develop the lands...

Was one of the thirteen colonies made for prisoners?

No, there were no "prison colonies" in the 13 colonies. One of the things the British liked to do instead was imprison men on ships at anchor. Before the end of the revolution there were several in NY harbor and thousands died on them.

What country had control of Cuba and the Philippines before the US?

Both were Spanish Colonies.