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Before the widespread acceptance of slavery, Africans brought skills, cultural knowledge, agricultural techniques, and a diversity of traditions to the colonies. They played a significant role in shaping early American culture and economy through their contributions before the exploitation of slavery became a dominant system.

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Q: Before slavery became an acceptable and highly practiced institution Africans brought what to the colonies?
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How did the institution of African slavery evolve?

The institution of African slavery evolved through a combination of factors such as the transatlantic slave trade, European colonialism, and the demand for labor in the Americas. Initially, Africans were enslaved by other Africans, but the transatlantic slave trade facilitated the mass transportation of Africans to the Americas to work on plantations. This system of forced labor became entrenched in the economies of European colonies and later the United States, shaping the institution of slavery as it is known today.

What role did enslaved africans play in the colonie?

Enslaved Africans in the colonies primarily served as forced labor for European colonizers, working on plantations and mines. They were essential for the economic success of the colonies, cultivating crops like sugar, tobacco, and cotton. Enslaved Africans also played a significant role in building the infrastructure of the colonies.

When did European colonists begin using Africans as slaves?

European colonists began using Africans as slaves in the early 1500s with the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. The demand for labor in European colonies led to the systematic enslavement of Africans to work on plantations and in various industries.

What did the spanish use captive africans for?

The Spanish used captive Africans for forced labor in their colonies, primarily in agriculture, mining, and domestic service. Africans were also used as slaves to generate wealth and resources for the Spanish Empire.

What was some skills Africans brought with to the colonies?

Africans brought skills such as farming techniques, craftsmanship (including metalworking and woodworking), and knowledge of herbal medicine to the colonies. They also had experience in hunting, animal husbandry, and basket weaving, among other skills.

Related questions

What type of farming practiced the southern colonies?

The southern colonies primarily practiced plantation farming, which focused on cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. This type of farming required extensive labor, leading to the widespread use of enslaved Africans on plantations.

How did the institution of African slavery evolve?

The institution of African slavery evolved through a combination of factors such as the transatlantic slave trade, European colonialism, and the demand for labor in the Americas. Initially, Africans were enslaved by other Africans, but the transatlantic slave trade facilitated the mass transportation of Africans to the Americas to work on plantations. This system of forced labor became entrenched in the economies of European colonies and later the United States, shaping the institution of slavery as it is known today.

Who practiced subsistence farming the new England colonies middle colonies or southern colonies?

The New England colonies

Why were the africans brought to the spanish colonies?

For slavery

Why did Europeans take Africans to the colonies of the new world?

Because other Africans sold them to the Europeans as slaves and the new world colonies needed workers.

Did slavery become established in the southern colonies in the 1600s?

Yes, slavery became established in the southern colonies in the 1600s, with Virginia seeing the first Africans arriving as slaves in 1619. The institution of slavery grew throughout the century as labor demands increased in the region.

How did the early slave trade affect both Africans and English colonies?

africans were made ino enslaved africans. they were sold in the english colonies. later were sold as workers, which made the engish colonists lives much easier. the africans suffered terribly. :(

Which section of the colonies America had the smallest percentage of Africans in 1750?

The New England Colonies

What was the most common religion in the new England colonies that was not practiced in the middle colonies?


Where do enslaved Africans work in the southern colonies?


Did the southern colonies have plantations and indentured servant and slaves?

Yes, the southern colonies did have plantations where crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo were cultivated. These plantations relied on a labor force that included both indentured servants and enslaved Africans. The institution of slavery became more prevalent in the southern colonies due to the expansion of plantation agriculture.

Why were enslaved africans the main workforce in the southern colonies?

The Africans that were enslaved in the Southern Colonies were the main workforce because the settlers did not have the endurance or skills to do the work. Africans were strong, skilled, and were able to endure the climate better than the people who enslaved them.