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Q: Before the automobile what industry dominated the US economy?
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Did Karl Benz start the automobile industry?

yes and no, he created the internal combustion gasoline engine, but there was steam powered vehicles before

What did the south of the US have an economy based on before the civil war?

Agriculture, especially cotton for sale the the British textile industry.

What item had the single most important impact on the American economy?

In the Gilded Age, also known as the time right after the civil war and right before the 20th century, the automobile was the most important and had the biggest impact on American economy.

Which industry grew from 500 million before world war 1 to 3 billion in 1929?

The automobile industry grew from 500 million before World War 1 to 3 billion in 1929. This growth was fueled by increasing consumer demand for cars, advancements in production methods like assembly lines, and the economic prosperity of the "Roaring Twenties."

Why did the Russians economy begin to improve after the civil war?

By 1922 the Russian economy was beginning to improve. That same year, Russia reunited with several neighboring lands that had been part of the Russian Empire before 1917. The new country was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics---also known as the Soviet Union. Russia's Communist leadership dominated the new country.

What was China's Economy before it was a market economy?

social economy

What was the main industry of the Southern economy?

The main industry in the Southern States was farming. The most prevalent crops were cotton and tobacco. The Southern States, before the Civil War, sold these crops to the Northern States and in European markets.

What pervious object has the automobiles replaced?

The horse and buggy was replaced by the automobile. Trains already existed before the automobile.

What state was the automobile capital before Michigan?


Who founded the automobile assembly line and created an industry?

Henry Ford. Oldsmobile mass produced the curved dash Olds from 1901 to 1904 using an assembly line several years before Henry Ford.

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The Seljuk Turks

What is the Philippines' economy before the conquest?

probably one of the best economy in the world. philippines economy before is top 2 in asia.