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no in The Bible it says "now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters". (Gen. 1:1) NIV

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Q: Before was the earth full of lava?
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Why is the earth full of lava?

The Earth's interior is hot due to radioactive decay and leftover heat from its formation. This heat causes some of the Earth's mantle to melt and form magma, which occasionally erupts onto the surface as lava through volcanic activity.

Is the sun full of lava?

yes the sun are full of lava if sun get closer to earth the earth will melt!!

What makes the earth's mantle so hot?

the earth's mantle is full of lava so the lava is what makes it so hot

What is lava called before it erupts?

Magma is the term used to describe molten rock beneath the Earth's surface before it erupts onto the surface as lava.

Does magma shoot from a volcano or lava?

Magma is lava before it actually reaches the surface of the Earth. So magma comes from a volcano, not lava.

What did earth look like before?

The Earth has no land before,just bubbly seas of lava and there are dangerous chemicals in the air.

How is the lava in a volcano made?

It rises from the center of the earth (the core) and when it gets full it errupts

What was in earth before humans?

Bacteria, dinosaurs, and lava are some examples

What is the name for lava before it leaves the volcano?

Magma is the term for lava before it erupts out of a volcano. It is molten rock located beneath the Earth's surface.

When did the earth have no crust?

Well, All I can said is. When earth is crated its full with magma and lava. That pretty much when earth don't have any crust. But, when the earth cools down, it turn to hard rock, and some of the lava and magma are inside the earth's core

What happens when lava gets solid?

Lava is only actually called Lava when it comes out of the earth. Before that when it is inside the earth, it is refered to as Magma. So, when boiling hot Magma breaks through the earth it becomes Lava and cools forming a black, hard, rock-like substance. :)

What is under earth?

lava.ANS2:By definition, lava does not become lava until it pours out onto the surface of the earth. This is akin to how a meteor does not become a meteorite until it enters the atmosphere. Before the lava becomes lava, it is "Magma". Please see the link, below for more details on the interior of the earth.