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Q: Being a well-informed citizen means
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What does civics have to do with being a good citizen?

It is the study of what it means to be a citizen

What means being an involved citizen?

To know about everything as a citizen like yourself.

What does being american mean?

Being American means being a citizen of the United States.

What does it mean to be a citizen of the U.S?

Being a citizen of the U.S. means to be a member of the country who gives their loyalty to the U.S. It means that you have certain freedoms and rights that include the right to vote in elections.

What does being a natural born citizen mean?

It means the person has been a US citizen since birth, typically because they are born in the US.

What does being a London citizen mean?

It just means that your home address is in London, where you live.

What does being a british citizen mean?

it means pasty skin and a droll sense of humour.

What does Germany mean?

Being German means that you, or someone else, is from, or has ancestors from, the European country of Germany. ___ First and foremost it means being a citizen of Germany.

Do you have to be a natural born American to be president and what does that mean?

Yes, according to the U.S. Constitution, one must be a natural-born citizen of the United States to be eligible for the presidency. "Natural-born" means being a citizen by birth, either through being born on U.S. soil or through being born to at least one U.S. citizen parent.

What does citizen means?

citizen-means that you are loyal to your country and that you were probably born in that countrycitizen is when you are from Another CountryIf you are born in America, you are a citizen of America. If you're born in Japan, you're a citizen of Japan. Get it?

How do i join Bahrain army being Pakistani citizen?

by being a 'naturalised' citizen of Bahrain

Can everyone living in the US vote for a president?

no you must be a legal citizen that means being born in the us or one of its territories.