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Q: Being overweight affects your foot's arch does the damage of the foot arch affect the spine?
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How does being overweight have affect on people's teeth?

People who are overweight tend to eat more sugar. Therefore, this affects their dental health, and causes their teeth to rot.

Does gender have any affect on being overweight?

no no, it doesn't.

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Being lazy affects any religion.

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It affects your family by emotions.

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Being overweight is a very strong risk factor for this cancer

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PCP affects the society by it being sold, and

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it affects them by always having to worry about being somewhere

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Being overweight slows body fluid circulation and puts extra pressure on the veins

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Your reasoning is backwards. Being in the Sahara affects Egypt's climate.

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it's affects are people sleeping and being awake

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The center of gravity affects the rockets flight by being gay.