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Here is a list of Jewish beliefs, as codified by Maimonides:

1. God exists, and is the Creator

2. God is One and unique

3. God is not physical

4. God is eternal

5. Prayer is to be directed only to God

6. The words of the prophets are true

7. The prophecies of Moses are true; he was the greatest prophet

8. The Torah was given to Moses

9. There will be no other Torah

10. God knows the thoughts and deeds of all

11. God rewards the good and punishes the wicked

12. The Messiah will come

13. The dead will be resurrected.

For a listing of the Jewish holy days, see the attached Related Link.

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Q: Beliefs and holy days for Jewish people?
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What is the major recoginzed holy days for jewish people?

See the attached Related Link.

What are the 3 Jewish holy days?

There are more than three Jewish holy days, but the answer you're looking for is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which total three days. For more about these and the rest of the Jewish holy days and other occasions, see this linked page.

Which most sacred Jewish Holy Book contains written records and beliefs?

The Tanakh (Jewish Bible).

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What are the holy days and festivals do jewish people celebrate?

Sabbath, Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkoth.

Why is Jerusalem sacred to Jewish people?

Its their holy city

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He brought them into the Holy land.

What are the beliefs and holy days?

I'm sorry, but your question is much too broad to admit of an answer.

Can an Orthodox be buried in a Roman Catholic cemetery?

that would depend on the persons own beliefs and the beliefs of the people who have the say on the holy ground, they are both christian beliefs with similar ideals, why not?? that would depend on the persons own beliefs and the beliefs of the people who have the say on the holy ground, they are both christian beliefs with similar ideals, why not??

Jewish main holy days?

See the attached Related Link for full information.

Why do the Jewish people say that Jerusalem is their Holy City?

Because it is

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The people in Israel, Jewish, eat Kosher and must abide by the law of Moses at The Feasts and the Most Holy Days.