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When giving over-the-counter medications to a pet, always consult your veterinarian. Many OTC medications are dangerous to pets. Others require a different dose than for a human of the same size. Most veterinarians will accept phone calls from clients with questions about things like this at no charge.

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15y ago

below 100 lbs--- 35 mg. you may have to cut the pill. put it in food

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35 mg

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Q: How much benadryl dose for 8 pound dog?
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Can I give my 12 pound pomeranian a half of a tablet of Benadryl?

No, this would be a very high dose. Call your veterinarian and ask how much Benadryl to give your dog.

How much benadryl do you give a 18 pound dog?

That depends on how many milligrams of diphenhydramine are in each teaspoonful of the liquid, why you're giving the Benadryl, and whether or not your dog is receiving any other medications. Contact your Vet. He/she will know the correct dose for your pet.

How much benadryl ml can i give y dog?

1ml of benadryl can have a dog for each pound.

How much Benadryl can you give a dog that weighs 2lbs?

one milligram per pound.

Dog Benadryl dose?

The standard benadryl (diphenhydramine) dose for a dog is 1 milligram (1mg) per pound every 8-12 hours. For example a 25 pound dog could get 25mg of benadryl two to three times per day. This can cause drowsiness. if your dog is too sleepy after dosing you can give 1/2 a dose. I am not a veterinarian and I recommend that you never give any medication (even over the counter medication like benadryl) without first consulting a veterinarian.

How much adult capsules do you give a 14 pound dog benedrayl?

A dog should be give only regular strength Benadryl. For a small dog, it' probably easier to give it the liquid children's formula. The standard dose is one milligram for every pound given twice daily. So for your 14 pound dog, give 12-14 milligrams, twice a day. (If the lesser dose works, all the better!)

How much pill form benadryl can a 15lb dog get?

You shouldn't give an animal liquid benadryl. The liquid formula has too much alcohol in it and could cause alcohol poisoning. The dose for benadryl tablets is 1 mg per pound three times a day. Generally benadryl comes in 25 mg tablets , so you can cut one in half for your dog. It generally does only a fair job for itching in dogs. If the problem persists make and appointment with your vet.

How much benadryl can you give a 7 pound dog?

This question should be asked of your veterinarian - you can probably call over to the clinic and ask rather than make an appointment. Unfortunately, trying to get human formulations of diphenhydramine (the drug in Benadryl) into a small enough dosage to be safe for a six pound dog is very difficult.

How much benadryl do you give a dog with a snake bite?

1 mg per kilogram ( about 2 mg per pound).

How many teaspoons of Benadryl can you give a dog?

My dog has allergies and the vet told me to give her a childrens dose but I would imagine it would depend upon the weight of the dog.


If you're giving your dog Benadryl, its highly recommended that you purchase a 100% pure formulation designed to be safe for dogs (and cats). NOT the human version of the medicine which contains other ingredients that are BAD for dogs. The usual dose of Benadryl for dogs (adult) is 2 to 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, which corresponds to a dose of 0.9 to 1.8 milligrams per pound of body weight. However to be safe, dog owners should consult their veterinarians for specific dosing instructions for their animals.

How much is too much Benadryl for a dog?

Yes !! do not use that much. What are you giving it to your dog for? Remember there are 2 kinds of Benadryl an antihistimine and a decongestant. Assuming you are using the anithistamine, I'd check with your vet.