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Beowulf offers his reputation as a skilled and experienced warrior, showcasing his previous successes in battles as proof that he is the right hero for the job of defeating Grendel. He also explains his intent to fight the monster without weapons, relying solely on his strength and courage to complete the task.

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Q: Beowulf says that he has come to kilol grendeelWhat proof does he offer here that he is the right hero for the job?
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I can only speak for myself and can not offer you any proof other than the Bible itself.

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Grendel's arm was hung in the rafters of Herot as proof of his defeat by Beowulf.

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After engaging Grendel's mother in battle, Beowulf successfully decapitates her with a magical sword he finds in her lair, thus avenging the death of Hrothgar's advisor, Aeschere. Beowulf emerges victorious and returns to Heorot with Grendel's head and the hilt of the sword as proof of his triumph.

Beowulf defeated Grendel's and Grendel 's Mother's?

yes he defeated both of them, he defeated grendel by ripping off his arm them keeping it as proof

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