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avoid mistakes that had led to American involvement in World War I

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banned weapons and loans

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Q: Why did the US congress pass a series of neutrality acts?
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Why did Us congress pass first of three neutrality acts?


Why did the US Congress pass a series of Neutrality Acts during the depression?

The United States Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts because they feared that the United States would end up getting pulled into the conflicts that were occurring in Europe, and the United States had a strong feeling of isolationism at that time.

What laws did congress pass regarding foreign policy?

the sales of weapons or loans to nations at war

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A series of Enforcement acts

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What year did congress pass the alien and sedition acts?


Where in the constitution did Congress receive the power to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The place in the Constitution in which Congress received the power to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts was in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 (Elastic Clause).

Why did congress pass the enforcement acts?

to protect the south from the KKK

Why did Congress pass the alien and sedititon acts?

Congress was worried if the European immigrants would stay loyal to the United States if they went to war with the French

Why did congress pass the neutrality acts?

by beliving in your selves,and practice hard you can get ur dream and passed the examination.The Neutrality Acts had three laws from 1935-1937.1. 1935: Banned the US from providing weapons to nations at war.2. 1936: Banned loans to such nations.3. 1937: Permitted trade with fighting nations in nonmilitary goods as long as those nations paid cash and transported the cargo themselves, also known as Cash and Carry.To conclude, the congress pass this act was to prevent the US from joining Wars, because their weapons were more highly tech than other countries; so they couldn't do anything until Japan attack them.