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Silicon * Bill Gates used silicon chips in the computers which made his fortune * Cinderella wore a glass slipper - glass is meade out of silicon * Silicon is used in breast augmentation - which some models use to enhance their appearance.

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Silicon (based on the crossword puzzle this is the only answer that will end up fitting in the space)


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Q: Bill Gates Cinderella and some top notch super models owe their good fortune to this metalloid?
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Bill Gates

What does Bill Gates do with the fortune that he has made?

Bill Gates is a philanthropist who helps many charitable organisations .

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What charitable work did Bill Gates do?

He will donate his entire $58 billion fortune to his charity, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

What is the current amount of bill gates fortune?

7 billion dollars net worth

Where does bill gates rank as the richest people?

In Forbes/Fortune richest people list.

What make Bill Gates special?

he's rich

What don't billionaires do for charity?

Some billionaires do a lot for charity. Bill and Melinda Gates have given a fortune to charity. Warren Buffet has kicked in billions to the Gates charitable foundation.

Is Bill Gates sharing his fortune?

Yes. Bill Gates and his wife are actively engaged in charitable work with their money. Currently they are involved in education and poverty through their charitable foundation.

Why is it that Carlos Lim is richer than Bill Gates?

Fortune say he's richer than gates but Forbes stick with Gates, but anyway if so reasons include Carlos Slims buissness beginning to fir while Gates now only 9% of the common stock

What is the meaning of to make a fortune?

To make what one considers a large amount of money. To Bill Gates a fortune is a multitude of billions, to another person it may be millions. Its all relative to your expectations.