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eat butts

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Q: Biologists have found ways to use leftover potato particles to?
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Biologists have found ways to use leftover potato particles a to build huts c to make concrete b to feed tigers d to fuel power plants?

Biologists have found ways to use leftover potato particles a. to build huts. c. to make concrete. b. to feed tigers. d. to fuel power plants. ___a___

What to do with leftover mashed potatoes?

This mom-blogger has a couple of really innovative ideas for re-using leftover potato salad: found her blog while pursuing the same question as you! Good luck! Jenny

Who studiesthe life forms found in the ocean?

Marine biologists do

Where is the disaccharide sucrose found in a potato plant?

The Disaccharide Sucrose found in a potato plant is in the flesh of the potato. The potato is nearly 100% starch and carbohydrates that produce sugars in the body.

What macromolecules are in potato juice?

Starch is found in potato juice.

Leftover plant and animal matter found in topsoil is known as?


Where are the negative particles of an electron found?

the negative particles of an electron found in pluton.

Where was the potato first found?

In the ground!!!

What two particles are found in matter?

the two particles found in mater is gas and air.

What is the pH value of potato juice?

5.4 - 6.3 for white potato (found from Yahoo answers)

What are the nutrients that can be found in potato parantha?


How many toes are on a potato's foot?

42.1 the foot of the potato can be found in the anus of the potato. there are 42.1 toes in the potatos anus. thanks for asking!