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The date is unknown but was probably about 50-60 BC.

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Q: Birth date of Saint Anne
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The date of St. Anne's birth is not known.

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Your question cannot be answered as we do not know the birth date of Saint Anne nor do we know when she died.

What was the date of Saint Anne's birth?

We do not know the date but it was probably in the middle of the first century B.C.

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We do not know the date but is was sometime about the middle of the first century BC.

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We have no record of Anne's birth date but it probably occurred in the middle of the first century BC.

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St. Anne was probably born in the middle of the first century BC in the town of Nazareth.

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The actual date is not known but it probably occurred about 15-16 BC.

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Saint Anne gave birth in the normal human way after relations with her husband who by tradition is said to have been Saint Joaquim. She did not have a 'virgin birth' as did her daughter the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What is the feast date for Saint Anne?

July 26 is the feast of St. Anne.