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Blood was painted on the door posts of the homes of the Israelites the very first Passover in Egypt. This was so that the angel of death new which homes to pass over. This was a one time event.

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Q: Blood on your door
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Where The identifying blood of the passover lamb placed?

The blood was painted on the door posts of the homes of the Israelites.

What kind of blood did Jewish people put on their door for passover?

They put lamb's blood on their doors.

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The "little door" refers to the valves that are present throughout the venous blood vessles, and in the heart chambers. They prevent blood from flowing the wrong way in the vessels.

What were the Israelites told to do on their last night in Egypt?

They were told to slay a lamb and smear the blood on the door of their houses , so that when the angel passes that way he will pass the houses with the blood on the door.

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There are valves in the blood vessels (like a one-way door) - that stop the blood flowing backwards.

What mark on their doorsteps saved the Israelites when death passed over them?

It was a mark of blood from the Passover sacrifice (Exodus ch.12).It was on the lintel, the beam at the top of the door frame, not on the doorstep.Also on the door posts (the uprights on the sides of the door frame).And it was God who spared them, not the blood that saved them.

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If a hamster is stuck in your door you should see blood and hear loud squeaking noises. yuytur

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I believe it is the ventricles. It collects and expels blood. It is like an automatic door that closes and shuts itself.

Are M and M's kosher for Passover?

Only if you smear goat blood over your door.

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1950 4 door mercury made into a convertible they chopped off the top to make it convertible